.Mysteries to Restore the Earth


Sun squares Pluto Thursday, 2:22 a.m. West Coast time. A challenging and potent transit for the day. Transformative. Summoning Persephone from the underworld. Gemini moon follows. Persephone has lots to say about things hidden, in darkness, seeking the light.

Venus enters Pisces Saturday. Venus in Pisces—dancer, Illusionist, actor, sailor, fisherman/woman, swimmer, savior. Venus is exalted in Pisces. Venus harmonizes dualities and separations, conquering differences and oppositions. The two Pisces fish, bound together (struggle of duality separating everyone), one upward looking, the other down, are unbound by Pluto. They are free now. No more struggle. Everywhere a subtle Love enters the world from the world Soul. Venus remains in Pisces till May 2. Then Venus enters Aries and a fiery love comes forth.

Mercury, Soul ruler, enters Aries Monday. “I come, and from the plane of Mind, I rule.” Mercury (study), taking over from Mars (thrill-seeking), and strong in Aries, illuminates our minds. Many “seers” of the new age will come forth, “leading humanity into the light.” This light diffuses the illusions (Matrix) we live under. There is a powerful will (Aries) to penetrate into the darkness of obstructing thought forms, to free the life-force, so that new ideas for the Aquarian Age can emerge. Vulcan, the First Ray Lord, husband of Venus, fashioning gold out of lead, plays its part. Vulcan hides behind the Sun. Mercury and the Sun are One. These are mysteries. Their purpose is to restore the world balance. We too must play our part.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of April 3–9, 2014 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20

There will be much to ponder upon this week as new ideas flow into your mind concerning who you are, who you think you are, your choices as you prepared for this lifetime, and how to combine all into a synthetic whole. It’s done by first understanding family history, then realizing we are actually our ancestors here to heal each other—everyone in our family —including ourselves.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

Like Aries, thoughts are flowing through your mind like fire from Mercury and truly they are, for Mercury is the metal and the god of alchemy—what’s needed to move up the evolutionary Jacob’s ladder. You almost seem lost in realms few perceive or even vaguely experience. The information you study may save the world. Walk, exercise, tend to an inside-growing garden and eat correctly, lest you fall down and forget who you are.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

The planets are gathered in Aries, your 10th house of world recognition, the gifts you offer that help create the new culture and civilization. This is a serious, esoteric statement that  you understand. Aries provides us with the “will-to-be,” a new self-identity, new studies and pursuits. Aries rebuilds our mind so we, with you, can create all that is new. The new Aquarian archetypes.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20

A new higher mind is attempting to form within you, a mind that not only thinks of family, but also includes thoughts on justice (why is it blinded?) and philosophy (Ageless Wisdom teachings). Wherever you are, grow your garden. Contact the Deva (angel overseeing your area) for assistance. Every geographical area, as with every person, has a protective angel. Very few people contact them. Now you can. They become your friend.

leoLeo July 21–August 22

Many of us are suffering. When we suffer we share the burdens of others also suffering and help alleviate the suffering of our God. We learn how to provide others with understanding, rest and care. This includes caring for the animal and all the kingdoms. Those who suffer understand others who suffer. Suffering eventually makes us healers. Some day, some time, somewhere, this has, is, or will occur for you.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22

Read all the signs. They all apply to you. Aries always hides quietly in your eighth house of transformation, sex, intimacy, and other people’s money (resources held in common). The purpose of planets in the eighth house is to transform everything into better and greater, more inclusive and loving terms. It calls us to be disciples. We raise the personality to the Soul. Joy appears subtly. Joy is your hidden path. Like the Joyful Mysteries.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

In Aries each year a new identity occurs for you within relationships. The new identity concerns how, in the future, you see yourself, what is valuable to you, and what you are seeking in relationships. Also, a new state of independence, courage and strength is emerging, helping to move you forward into beauty. This is good, expanding more as the year unfolds. Serve everyone you meet. Love them.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

Your daily life may be in upheaval, unfolding your gifts, creating new structures concerning your world work. Events in your environment take on a depth of purpose. You confront life and death situations. There’s a desire (Mars) to do more and better, to study new ideas (Mercury) in healing, architecture and sustaining atmospheres (all Uranus). You apply all that you learn. You are the experiment.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

Who you’ve been and what you identified with through your creative efforts is now forming a foundation for who you’re going to be and how you’ll identify yourself in the future. You are in transition. Many things initiated now may be completed. If you feel everything’s also a risk, it is. Life is trying to find its perfect next part for you to play. Life’s a stage. You play your part well.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

Attempting to realize new and intelligent ways to care for family is the focused task now. Changes are occurring within the family. Look carefully at what’s needed. Ask for help and assistance. You’re the focus now. As you change the family changes. Have everything in place so the family’s needs are met. In your heart the family always comes first. Pray as a family to find the right answers. The wisdom, loving harmony, will come forth.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

Notice how you feel more resourceful, more independent, with ideas flowing into your mind so fast you hardly remember them. A great force is falling to earth now between the Aries and Taurus (Wesak) festivals. Be attentive, jot down ideas for later manifestation. Create an aide-memoire. The new Aquarian art is coming. You’ll want to be its first creator.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20

You will consider resources and values in new ways. Whereas most things in form and matter seem hidden from you, a new thoughtform of both preparation and solutions appears in symbols from the Raincloud of Knowable Things (intuition). It’s good to understand the Biblical transition of the Hebrew people on their journey from Egypt (Taurus) to Canaan/Israel (Aries). Study this story. 

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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