.The Wesak (Water) Buddha Full Moon Ceremony, Sun in Taurus


Happy Mother’s Day, Sunday, to all mothers in our world. Wednesday is the full moon Wesak Festival. Each year the Lord of the World (Ancient of Days from Venus), our God, sends a blessing to his people on Earth through His intermediaries – the Buddha (who adds Wisdom) and Christ (who adds Love). This occurs at the May full moon in a protected valley in the Himalayas. Pilgrims from all over the world and the New Group of World Servers participate. The festival’s purpose is enlightenment; dispelling glamour, ignorance, confusions and illusions hindering humanity from the Path of Return. Many participate through intention, dreams and visualization. Let’s join them.

As we enter the Wesak Valley, we see it’s filled with pilgrims. In the North East is an altar, and on it a crystal bowl filled with water. In front of the altar are the Great Teachers (Christ and the Lords of Civilization, the Hierarchy (inner spiritual government) behind them.

A great stillness and expectancy settles in the valley. A few moments prior to the full moon a point of brilliant light (like a Sun) appears over the horizon gradually approaching the altar. A golden light fills the valley. At the exact full moon moment (Wednesday, 12:16 p.m., Pacific time), we realize the light hovering over the altar is actually Lord Buddha dressed in saffron robes, his hand extended in a mudra (blessing). Buddha’s appearance and world blessing last for exactly eight minutes.

As the Buddha gradually fades out of sight, the World Teacher turns and, facing those present, begins reciting the Great Invocation (Mantram of Direction for Humanity, the World Prayer) transmitting to Earth and her kingdoms the yearly blessing from the Father. (Read more on my website & FB page).

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
You’re here, there and everywhere. In and out, up and down. The energies are dynamic yet contemplative, fiery and watery, leading to excessive activities and moody blues. Attempt to focus in your heart. This allows all new ideas to filter through the question “Is this for the Goodwill of the whole?” Then you will know the best course of action through these changing times.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

You’re always in serious study, sorting details, feelings, instincts, and intuitions. Most important is speaking the truth. You may not know why you feel certain ways, however you must still express when the timing isn’t right, the path hasn’t been found, the past has been obscured and to move forward, without right timing, is foolish. Later, why you feel these ways emerges. Have courage.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

Don’t be discouraged. The future’s hiding, so you can assess your wants, needs, and aspirations. Be very aware of the Wesak Taurus solar festival. As the Will-to-Good pours down on all of humanity during the festival, it enhances what you’re made of – Love/Wisdom, Ray 2. You’re in its direct pathway in order to create Goodwill. Allow nothing to interrupt your Wesak meditations. Is your crystal bowl ready?

cancerCancer June 21–July 20

Anything unresolved with family, friends and relationships (even with those who have died) reappears through feelings, thoughts, emotions, dreams and memories. Reconnect with loved ones remembering, “Love underlies all happenings. Life creates meaningful encounters, especially through testing, to strengthen us. New ideas are impressed upon your mind.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
You need a ship to navigate the rough tides of your life. See yourself at the seashore, building a fire close to the water’s edge. Connect with both elements—fire and water. As they unite, new realities, direction and new structures come forth. The challenge will be maintaining an inner steady course when emotions become overwhelming. Speak with someone who loves you.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22

You will want to be more practical with money and finances, day-to-day events, plans, connections and agendas, because you could simply use up all resources in a moment’s time. You may feel inner explosions are occurring. They are in terms of your values. Call forth balance, harmony, caution and care in all situations. There are dual realities everywhere. Stand at the center where the light is. That will be your adventure.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

As you provide for others, you must also review your needs. Emotional coordination can be difficult, especially for Librans who seek harmony above conflict, comfort above constant change. While wanting more closeness you also demand complete freedom. A dilemma. Maintain silence this week, listening instead of speaking. You will learn a lot about yourself. Silence and listening harmonize.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

Find ways to express yourself physically through exercise, swimming, walking, running, cooking, music, boating, etc. However you express yourself, it’s most important that movement occur to sustain and stabilize highly emotional trigger points. Daily life stresses make you feel like escape is necessary. Yes, do escape. You know how to do this. Warm blue waters are best.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

Use your mind and spiritual will to focus on creativity, then health. Think brilliance and prevention. In the meantime enjoy yourself in present time. It creates the future. Have confidence because you’re intelligent, you plan well, and when you’re truly mindful, your words provide strength and enthusiasm. Ponder these things during the Taurus festival of Enlightenment. It’s a most subtle potent time for you.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

You’re tending to work responsibilities along with needed domestic duties. At times you need more freedom. Be careful with family. You could become tired and impatient, saying things you later regret. You may work harder and longer to the point of exhaustion. Don’t allow that to occur. Create a family chores list. Give rewards. Let everyone know they are valuable. You are valuable. Allow others to feel valuable and of service too.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

Maintain strict limits, discipline and agendas so time and money are not wasted. Discipline allows the intuition to emerge. With no discipline, intuition has nothing to focus upon. Should you need anything realize your communication abilities are excellent. Ask and it’s given. Give and more is asked of you. Both must occur. Think on your foundations and the goodness they provided. This goodness rules your life.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20

What you communicate affects many people. Tell the truth about your experiences, your inner and outer realities. There’s most likely a challenging situation in your life now. Move toward it with grace and a loving will(ingness. Great good will comes of it. Remember this when the road becomes rocky. A new self is emerging and new resources. Read again Psalm 37.


Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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