Taurus is the first earth sign after the fires of Aries. As Aries initiates new realities, Taurus anchors them into form and matter. Taurus, the form aspect of creation, is governed (on the personality-building level) by Venus, expressing itself through beauty and love. Venus fuses dualities: women/men, dark/light, heaven/earth, night/day.
Beauty, as we perceive it, is the divinity reflected in form. In the East, Venus is the goddess Lakshmi, the inner Venusian beauty reflected in Taurus. This divine inner world of beauty is pulsating, vibrant and effervescent. We see this in nature. Gazing upon beauty creates magnetism in our aura and restores order. Real beauty is simple, uncomplicated, undemanding and pure. Our bodies, emotions, thoughts and surroundings must always be pure, clean and beautiful. Through beauty, truth is expressed.
Taurus rules the throat, communicating not in the usual ways, but through song, singing and music. The Ageless Wisdom informs us that in the next century singers will tap into divine reservoirs of inspiration. Using a new method and technique of breathing, they will bring forth a new sound. The Soul and its sound will sweep into the centers (chakras) and our world and expel the past.
Tuesday, as Sun enters Gemini, a new vibrational sound begins—of meadows in flower, butterflies, nectar, duality, Mercury building the Rainbow Bridge, colonies and buzzing of bees—all Venusian. Mars, retrograde in Libra since March 1, turns stationary direct (9 degrees Libra) Monday (May 19). On June 7, Mercury retrogrades 3 degrees Cancer. Ceaseless retrogrades. We prepare together through knowledge.
Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of May15–May 21, 2014 For Sun and Rising Signs
Aries-March 21–April 20
Notice your focus on others understanding you, most important during retrograde times. However, if others are nonreceptive for their own protection, limit communication. This is best. There’s much you want to say. Think over thoughts, ideas and communications making sure you’re clear and precise. You are doing your best. These are not easy times. You’re good enough.
Taurus April 21–May 21
Your activities are now based upon ongoing research, based upon a value system of care you express and maintain. It’s important to focus on finances—new ways of creating resources to stabilize your life and the life and future of others. Careful with health. Should there be a chronic illness seek medical help while also including alternative modalities. What past behavior, choices, things need releasing?
Gemini May 22–June 20
Wanting to progress forward, you’re impatiently leaping ahead with thoughts and conclusions before all the information’s in. It’s difficult to focus energies outward during constant retrogrades especially for Gemini usually outward-focused until the Soul assumes direction. Notice jumping into situations, then retreating. Observing behaviors, choices and thoughts allows for a deeper self-identity.
Cancer June 21–July 20
There’s a constant need to understand the reality and truth of what you see, hear, feel and experience. This is deep spiritual work. Remembering past circumstances and choices made the last several years, you can become introverted, replaying conversations in your mind until exhausted. This is difficult. Be aware that your family is fine, taking care of themselves, experiencing life’s tests. And they need you.
Leo July 21–August 22
Your mind seeks the greater meaning of life. You’re hunting a rainbow and a pot of gold. While many people love and cherish you, are you remaining rather detached? You’re a loner, a hermit at times, yet need people to inspire you, and, in turn, to be inspired by you. Are you thinking of all you could have done, but didn’t? Read John Donne’s Holy Sonnet XIV. Batter my heart…
Virgo August 23–September 22
Reflecting on past achievements, do they measure up to your expectations? You realize due to family training your self-expression can feel hidden and somewhat cautious. The same structures that have built your past will build your future. All life issues help you discover a new life direction. You will recreate your past relationships conditions and assess them. Then you will create a new future. It will be free of the past.
Libra September 23–October 22
Are you moving forward and backward, expanding and contracting while removed from a stable center? Do not trivialize what’s most important. Notice dualities and polarities. They expand and strengthen your awareness. What’s most important is realizing that through constant intentions for Goodwill, which creates Right Relations, you finally come to a state of active balance and peace. What needs forgiving?
Scorpio October 23–November 21
You’re the deepest thinker, always entering into the heart of life’s meanings. This is good. However, you can be misunderstood because as others accept superficial answers, you do not. Sometimes you shy away from intimacy. Keeping thoughts and ideas to yourself you can become isolating. Try not to have this happen. Instead, force yourself to communicate. You will regenerate yourself and others. This takes courage.
Sagittarius November 22–December 20
Present experiences are teaching you to balance your ideas and needs with the needs of others. Although you may feel hampered by this, your self-expression and understanding become enhanced. It’s a paradox (as usual). Should you be feeling more indecisive than usual, wait awhile. Your inner self and mind are evaluating past occurrences in order to fashion your future. Don’t worry. Be happy. Actually, you are happy!
Capricorn December 21–January 20
If you’re analyzing reality through the eyes of others, you may feel some frustration. Remember that conflict is the first step toward a greater harmony. You’re capable of harmonizing all realities—partner, children, relationships, siblings, friends, family, work. To do this effectively you must have time for yourself and time to sort out your own conflicts. You also need rest, weekly massages, warm waters, help and love in all its forms.
Aquarius January 21–February 18
Your ability to analyze and organize brings you comfort. Do you sense others are expecting what you can’t deliver? Creating nervousness and later resentment. Don’t be overly critical of yourself. Much of your time is spent thinking you should be doing more. If you simply organize your life (papers, clothes, objects, possessions, art, etc.) you will be able to do more. Get a file cabinet and files. Find a barn.
Pisces February 19–March 20
Safety, security and a home are on your mind, and the need to be in an environment where you feel sure of yourself. This is not available in the outer world. It’s possible you feel quite alone. Something very important seems to end, family becomes most important yet they remain on the periphery. You tend to duties and tasks that are at times overwhelming. Nevertheless, you are diligent, hard working, and practical.
Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology