.The Festival of Humanity


The Festival of Humanity, the Gemini Solar Festival (at the full moon), occurs Thursday evening (9:11 pm Pacific time), June 12 at 22 degrees Gemini.

The Gemini Festival celebrates the divine nature of humanity–seeking the Path of Return, aspiring toward God, seeking goodwill, and attempting to understand how to express right relations with all kingdoms. For 2,000 years, the world teacher, Christ (called by other names in other religions) has represented humanity, the “eldest in a great family of brothers and sisters” (Romans VIII, 29).

At the Gemini Festival, blessing the world, He preaches the last sermon of the Buddha, which calls for fellowship, new values and unanimity in the world through a combining of Christ’s love and the Buddha’s wisdom. The festival, linking humanity with the will of God, calls forth the hidden goodwill within all the hearts of humanity.

Days and hours prior to the festival, there is continual reciting of the Great Invocation, the Mantram of Direction for Humanity, by the New Group of World Servers around the world. As the festival unfolds, the Forces of Reconstruction and the Avatar of Synthesis, from the will of God, are released on Earth. Primarily affecting the nations, they call forth from all nations the spirit of unity and directed purpose for humanity’s well-being. With purpose comes focused intention, and the capacity to direct energy towards a desired end.

During this festival, under the direction of Gemini, Ray 2 (love/wisdom) and Venus, all dualities prepared for transformation are unified, integrated and synthesized. The Gemini Festival directly affects our future, and summons the Divine World Teacher to reappear. Join us, everyone. See Risa’s Esoteric Astrology Facebook page for the Great Invocation.

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 12-18, 2014

ariesAries-March 21–April 20

A revolution, revelation, idea, dream or vision, held long in your heart and mind, comes more and more into form and matter, manifesting through visualizations. The next seven years—which sounds like a long time, but is really only a blink in the eye of God—brings forth what you’ve longed for, and through your persistence you will love into existence. It must be shared.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

You never lose sight of your vision, or of the tasks you are to perform. No matter what occurs—surprising events, losses, people, ideas and hopes falling away—you know “love underlies all happenings of the times.” That love emerges from greater loving realities guiding our lives. Focus now only on what’s in front of you. Know choices, plans and events made during this retrograde reverse themselves.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

Many thoughts, ideas, events and communications from the past return. This last month, there was difficulty externalizing thoughts and being understood. This will continue as Mercury remains behind the scenes. Later, misinterpretations will turn around, lost friends may call. Much remains obscure, so you can spiritualize all actions. Write in your Retrograde Journal.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20

You think about, ponder upon and consider goals for the coming months, bound up with expectations and ideals. Up to this point the goals, ideals and expectations of the past have served you. However, in the past several years, life has changed so radically that newer and freer points of view are forming. This is also due to influence by friends, colleagues, family and those younger than you. You have been “reconstructed.”

leoLeo July 21–August 22

Your creative life, art and especially writing are most important now. These constitute your real vocation, for they are closest to your heart. They define those qualities and gifts through which you can best assist others and Earth’s kingdoms. If you pursue your talents, they will improve more and more. What studies have you put off in recent years? Subscribe to an art magazine.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22

You think deeply so you can have clear perspective. Mortality is something you will think about in the coming months. This is a healthy response to the changes occurring on our planet as the Pisces Age ends. There’s an underground river of communication between you and others. It’s not verbal or externalized. Fill that river with love.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

This is a special time of communication. Share your heart with others, and ask them to share, in turn, with you. You might begin a monthly conversation and dinner group, or book and dinner club. Do this with another for greater perspective. You like partnerships. They help clarify, choose and accomplish more than one alone. Discuss everything. You need love and care. This comes from open communication.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

We think we have free will. We do, to an extent. We can choose what we do each day, somewhat. We can choose how we behave, sometimes. We can think about where we live, sometimes. But there’s a greater plan over-lighting us. It’s best to be more fluid and discover what that greater reality is that hovers over, influences, surrounds and penetrates our little wills and lives. Make its acquaintance.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

Great opportunities move toward you in their own time and place. You become more and more aware of this. Listen to all communications, from yourself and others, assessing everything and everyone, including all events, carefully. Messages could wound, uplift, destroy, create, deny or be a refuge. Refuge (sangha) is greatly needed by everyone at this time. Offer it.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

In your daily (successful, ambitious) life, you find yourself needed in two places at once. Your mind is here, your body over there somewhere. This is the Gemini experience in the daily life of a Capricorn. You will attempt to bring a synthesis to this duality. Amidst constant changing vicissitudes and instabilities you find poise, balance and harmony. This is the soul. Call upon it each moment.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

It’s best to be among the young, playful, innocent, childlike, romantic and creative. Then you will become these, too, discovering new outlets of art and creativity. You will see things in a newer, more golden light, and your imagination will flow outward, bringing happiness and joy. Often you are toiling among questions. At this time, just be the artist and futurist you’re called to be.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20

Know that everyone and everything in your environments are supporting you. Offer gratitude to them for being in your life at this very moment, and all the moments to come. Something’s coming to an end. A new life will be built from the old, phoenix-like–a new community creating the foundation for newer and greater achievements. Bid the old farewell. It served its purposes well. Now you have new promises to keep.


Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com">ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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