.Signs of Summertime

RisaNewSSun enters the sign and magnetic field of Cancer, the gate where spirit enters form, Saturday at 3:51 am (Pacific time). Summer begins in the northern hemisphere. Moon/Uranus in Aries, Sun/Mercury in Gemini (a message for humanity to bring forth all things new).

The Archangel Uriel assumes his summer duties protecting Earth’s kingdoms. We find him on subtle etheric levels, teaching the devas (beings of light) in fields and meadows, where wild things are. Uriel invites us to join in summer esoteric studies.

Summer solstice is the longest day of light for the year, and the sun, at its maximum light and elevation to the Earth, is still for three days. Life is green, warm and more abundant for humanity.

During summer solstice, seeds of light from the past twelve months’ new and full moon festivals, collected in our pineal and pituitary glands, gather in the third ventricle, the “marriage bed” or the “manger.” Filled with the gathered seeds of light, a new consciousness begins to vibrate within our head centers and chakras, and new tasks are set before us for the upcoming year. Each year at summer solstice, this new awareness occurs to those who are prepared. We begin a new year of seed gathering at Cancer’s new moon festival (June 27). At dawn Monday (June 23) Venus enters Gemini. Venus, uniting all separations, is our Morning Star, Phosphorus, the Light Bringer.

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 19-25, 2014

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
You’re preparing for something new and vibrant, initiating a new reality. Put things in order even though it feels like a most difficult time, responsibilities seem overwhelming and hard work the only thing you know anymore. The present is preparing for a future when goals, ambitions and dreams bear fruit, manifesting into form and matter. Don’t fret if you feel obscure and unrecognized. This will change, for all good things come to pass.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Through what is being asked of you and a developing sensitivity, you’re learning different and more expanded self-expression. You work hard with communication, carefully organizing all information. Something in your life has recently been difficult. There is sadness, perhaps. Revelatory messages and a “familiar” (companion) appears, a shamanic experience. You respond with poise, constancy and happiness. Life changes soon.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Many things are impacting your sense of self, your values and resources. It’s most important to have right harmony and relationships with money and home. Both must be sources of safety and security even in the midst of expansion, reorganization, and new responsibilities. Pay bills on time. You may be called to care for another’s well-being. Align with the Will-to-Good in all relationships. You need more art in your life.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
It’s important to understand how your inner and outer worlds relate (they are two sides of the same coin). It’s important also to view the world through a dispassionate (non-judgmental) lens. It’s easy to judge, but in our present world crisis and in the world to come, judgment creates separation and tension. What are your behavioral ideals? Who personifies these? Imitate them, acting “as if.” An inner preparation is taking place. Your mind and heart are being made new.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
You learned in the past several years more of who you are. Now through groups in which you participate, you’re learning what values–physical, emotional, mental, moral, psychological and spiritual–are needed in order to serve others. Stabilize your monetary situation, first by listing all resources. You work hard each day maintaining your life. If you organize and maintain order with finances and resources, you will withstand all fluctuations with the dollar and the markets.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
It’s important to assess your true duties and responsibilities each day, at home and at work. New avenues open and new tasks will be given, creating recognition and honor. Think of all actions as service, the task of all Virgos. You already understand this. Saturn, Teacher and Dweller on the Threshold, is nearby, directing you toward many tests. They liberate you. Read each month each labor of Hercules.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
It’s important to recognize personality behaviors, unconquered and unsubtle, influencing daily life, so we can overcome them. Know you’ve been on a “burning ground” of things difficult and surprising, like a battle. If you stand within the light of your soul, and with the angels protecting you, a great clarity and glory unfolds. You are no longer the imprisoned princess or prince in the Tower of Babel.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
I suggest a comparative study of religions, including the new Aquarian religion just beginning. There’s a shadow around each of us consisting of all past life events still incomplete. In your nightly review, have the intention to complete the past so you can enter into a greater “measure of life.” As you aspire toward completions, all illusions and distortions fall away. This can be grievous and sad. Then you’re “triumphant,” hearing internally, “You’ve done the right thing.”

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
How are feeling these days? Do you continue to feel overloaded with solitude and silence? Are you being called to retreat more and more (with resistance and rebellion)? When there’s great solitary inner work to be done, a great achievement is occurring. Know you’re functioning fully, completely and successfully in a new world. Your individuality is being expressed differently. Don’t think this a time of disaster. Focus in each momentary present. This was the Buddha’s last teaching.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
You have allowed yourself to embrace a wider area of life leading to new discoveries about yourself. These are transformative, breaking down narrow visions, letting you wonder how to understand all of life—and realizing you can’t. But eventually you will. You’re heading to a great zenith in your life where all ambitions bear fruit. Give yourself time. Your soul is leading you. The devas in the nature kingdom are watching you. The benefits are enormous.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
The focus of change continues to be finances, resources and possessions. It’s important to ask yourself what’s of value in your life. It’s important also to tend to money and resources with great care and consideration. Perhaps you’re asking what are all your resources for? You have many. List them, then share them. Do this now. Sharing is the new economy. Aquarians are to bring it forth first. We are given to, so we can give to others. Then the supply continues unceasingly.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Everything’s being cleared for action! Slowly and surely things are continuing their completion cycle from the past many years. Anything not finished or concluded will seek your attention. This occurs so that at a later date, you can begin a new way of life. The energy presently available is only for completing past projects, not for beginnings. Not yet. Therefore tend to this completion phase with diligence, tenderness and care.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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