.Libra New Moon Festival: Let Choice Be Made.

RisaNewSIt’s a rather unusual, possibly irrational and unexpected week, with things unforeseen, unanticipated and unpredicted occurring. We may experience a subtle nervousness and anxiety due to Uranus interacting with the Sun and planets. Sun/Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries – creating all things unexpected and new with finance and relationships.

Friday (Libra new moon festival) through Tuesday, Saturn, Mercury, Uranus and Scorpio are all in a jumble of interactions. Things interconnected yet uncompromising continue throughout the week. We seek harmony and confront chaos. The moon (humanity) travels between the planets, with Uranus in charge. Change becomes the norm.

Uranus is Libra’s Soul ruler (esoteric). Uranus (the awakener) awakens humanity to the realm of the Soul, mediator between Spirit and matter. Humanity, aware of oppositions (spiritual/material), realizes choices must be made. Power and victory over others gives way to seeking equality for all. In Libra (sign of Right Human Relations) love, a Soul quality, increases, we search for beauty and fair play knowing there are no winners or losers. Great tension arises in Libra when there is inequality or disharmony.

Libra is always moving—up, down, here, there; from present to past; from personality to Soul and back again. Anxiously we ask, “Which do we choose?” Eventually, tired of the oscillations (helping us choose), weighing our options on the Libra scales we choose—returning to the past or entering Discipleship (Scorpio). But first we’re tested with the chaos of opposing forces. Under the Will-to-Good, we make the Right Choice.  (More at nightlightnews.com.)

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Oct 3–9, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
It’s a time to re-define relationships, their meaning and value. You must incorporate negotiation and diplomacy, the ambassador in all relationships. You learn whom you can depend upon. You’re more gracious than usual. Wondering if your relationships are mutually supportive you define the support you need. Calmly share this information. It brings forth balance. Knowledge always does.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You begin to clearly understand what is disordered and imbalanced in your life and what needs tending and clarifying. With determined concentration, allowing no distractions, you bring forth order and harmony. It’s time to begin new health routines, take care of business, reorganize, analyze and sort out priorities. Gardening and nature bring you ease. You become Ceres knowing Persephone is safe.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
You continue to be artfully creative and dramatic when expressing yourself as if you’re performing—an observation of the energies, not criticism. It’s a new creative side not often available before. It’s the real you in another dimension—someone always in the spotlight of your true self, always from the heart. You need more play, some adventures, a sandbox, leisure and everything in balance. They find you.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
You’re thinking of children, mothers, caretakers, families, things that nurture, home as refuge. Recently it was the Feast of Our Lady of Refuge. Ancient paintings illustrate angels holding up Madonna’s golden cloak where she harbored, protected, calmed and soothed those in need. You do this daily. As a balance to this nurturing of others, it’s good to voice your needs. What is your refuge, your comfort and support? We’re listening.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
It’s time to learn something new. You already know so many things. When in social situations you feel more ease. At home in daily life you find ways to bring forth harmony, balance, order and organization. When communicating with others you feel mind/heart connections. There are tasks to tend to, people to contact, things to order, neighborhoods to walk, relatives to call, the car to be looked after, new classes to give. You’re busy!

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
You want your live/work environments to be beautifully filled with objects of value. You want comfort and balance. You need an aerie, spacious and in nature. You need a greenhouse, plants growing everywhere. You may be concerned with finances, money, resources. You need fairness. Above all you seek security and safety. Know that you are worthy of all that you need and ask for. Your sensitivity is a message.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You want to begin anew, to look and act, express and present yourself in completely different ways. You want to change certain ways of being, habits and behaviors. You’re being tested during the month of Libra. You want to absorb all the virtues. However, obstructions get in the way. Anger arises and doesn’t go away. Many depend upon you. Often you’re impulsive. This is good to a point. Then you must begin to bravely discipline yourself. Acting with greater understanding and benevolence. Begin anew each day. You’ll reach your goals.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
It is a special time inward time of review and reflection. Thoughts concerning other people’s needs and how to respond with empathy and compassion arise. However it’s good first to be in a state of withdrawal and not rush out to care for others. Your own person needs care now. Peace arises through solitude. This is preparation for new realities in several months. For now allow the solitude and withdrawal to be your refuge.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
It’s important to understand your standing in society, how you influence the world, your colleagues and those around you. And to observe how people “see” you. You must look beneath the surface to discover the truth of their responses and/or reactions. Understanding your influence becomes meaningful when attempting to create new plans and agendas. Thoughts of self-mastery and self-discipline become your responsibility as a leader. You ponder upon these things.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
You may feel restless when confronted with things routine. You want to initiate new plans and projects that propel you into new realities, expand your mind, with bit of adventure in them, allowing your imagination creative free reign. This creativity has to do with beauty and harmony, with balancing relationships, bringing forth new perspectives. Here’s a new idea. Add paramagnetic rock (ground) to your gardens. It attracts heavenly cosmic light. Stand in that Light

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
You’re extra sensitive. The unseen fields of others will be felt. In other words you’ll be more aware than usual of others and this may make you feel confused and disoriented. Step back literally when this occurs. Be aware, first of all, that this sensitivity could occur. The veils between worlds are dropping. Tend also, materially, to finances. Work on a savings plan. Twenty or more percent of all monies that come in—set aside.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
The opportunity for a new beginning may be offered. It’s a way of graciously conceding and cooperating. You’re hoping for this. A door opens to reveal a new way of participating in something significant. There’s a realization that forgiveness is most important—given and received. You’re being tested on how to relate with more authenticity. You must begin to come from the heart. We’re all learning this together.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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