.A Different Revolution

RisaNewSAries Moon late Wednesday and Thursday. We think new thoughts and initiate new ideas. Sun in Virgo with Saturn in Scorpio help disciples to create orderly structures to anchor and bring forth new ideas.

Stabilizing Taurus moon Friday and Saturday. We anchor new ideas into form and matter, like seeds planted in the soil. We tend them, waiting for green shoots to emerge. Like the gestating Virgo Sun Madonna, awaiting the birth of the holy child, the Soul, the new light at winter solstice. Mercury and Chiron converse about what hurts and what heals.
Saturday is a complex day with Mercury (communication), Mars (action!) and Uranus (revolution). Mercury in Libra is opposite Uranus in Aries. Oppositions (recognizing something new appearing over there somewhere) eventually synthesize. Mercury in Libra calls for Right Action and Right Relations, especially with money. Uranus in Aries—the revolution this time must be different.  Also on Saturday, Mars enters Sagittarius. Where are we going, what are our goals, where’s justice, where’s the mountain, do we have good shoes?

Sunday Venus trines Pluto—in-depth assessment of money, values and resources. Gemini moon Monday; we talk a lot, tending to tasks in gardens and neighborhoods. Cancer Moon Tuesday and Wednesday; we nurture and nourish. The stars and planets remind us.
Note: William Meader, esoteric author & international teacher, will be speaking on “The Soul of Humanity Evolving Through Crisis” at Meditation Mount, 7pm, Friday, Sept. 12.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week Sept. 10- 17, 2014

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Speak carefully and harmoniously to loved ones. Realize you may be more critical at this time, which includes self-criticism. Allow others the benefit of understanding you. Always give and ask for explanations, then listen carefully. What you know as real and what you feel (frustration, anger, impatience, etc.) may at first be at odds. Wait a while before acting. Then you can choose the right course of action. Then your heart opens.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Events dissolve, are created, retreat, happen, fall apart and re-emerge again—all defining the breakdown of the past and a defining of the future. Beware of stepping across boundaries where uncontrolled power is an issue. In communications have Right Relations within so Right Relations of others can also be summoned. You teach us to maintain the highest ethics, morals, values and intentions. You know how one begins a project is also how it ends.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
You find you must empower your values and day-to-day ways of being through bringing harmony forth. You must reach out to friends and loved ones from your heart. This expands them. You must alter your habits and ways of living so your health is strengthened. Soon everything must change, and this is good. Each day support world enlightenment on inner levels. Join the New Group of World Servers consciously, with determined loving rhythm and dedication.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
New ideas, revolutionary, unusual and revelatory are being impressed upon your mind. You’re therefore learning at an accelerated pace, as if in a school, but actually it’s that you’re concentrating on the value of here and now. There’s extra energy being offered you from Jupiter, which is expanding your heart. You’re loving more, becoming strong, resourceful, intuitive. Your garden is calling. You are to feed the world.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
It’s important for Leos to always be recognized and praised. The secret of helping Leo evolve is other people’s acknowledgement of their gifts and talents. While hoping to not be seen, we must say you’ve become more attractive and nurturing, flowing with generosity. You offer support when the need arises and tend to those more vulnerable. You keep secrets, prefer working alone, while empowering everyone along the way. You’re a Pathfinder.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
The Sun is shining on your gifts and creative abilities and all you’ve wanted to do feels like it can come true. It’s your birthday month. Know that you have everything you need in terms of energy, resources and time. Whereas much has been external, notice you’re beginning to withdraw into yourself. Expansion occurs internally for a year. Creating a time of composure, reflection, contemplation and peace.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
Librans always need a social group around where everyone recognizes and loves them. And then there are times when you feel out of place, the odd one, not heard, seen, listened to or understood. During the month, through inner communication and wisdom, you will assess the many paths you’ve taken, and realize new needs. In between, attempting to stabilize a new sense of self you will also be very practical. You will also begin to tithe to those in need.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
As you redefine yourself, there may be conflicts and collisions with other people’s ideas of who you are. There may be difficulty communicating and/or being understood. Before speaking, consider your words, intentions, attitude and tone, have the intention for goodwill, and seek to become a “harmonizer.” These are important values to remember and uphold. If traveling, be cautious, empower yourself with mantrams. No gambling or risk-taking.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
During the month of traveling here and there, you seek a new base of operation, and wonder about your true foundations. You realize your family heritage has given you an identity propelling you forward into new territory. Do not be concerned if chaos is your companion. Chaos is the first step toward greater harmony. Chaos contains the seeds of creativity, provides excitement, experiences and shreds outworn ways of being. Carve a tall sturdy walking stick.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Subtle shifts and changes continue in your life, growing ever more present as each new light of day unfolds. Your foundations are being quietly transformed as you become what you were born to be. Tend to things financial. Don’t think unlimited funds are available. A serious plan must be applied to money earned and spent. Notice soon a return to previous realities. For assessment, review and guidance concerning your next endeavors. Create tasks and disciplines with family. These sustain everyone.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
You may feel that all progress is stalled; movements forward take two steps back. This is not failure. It’s a review, revisiting and revisioning that must occur. It’s also the energies under which you experience the coming autumn season. In this Virgo month you are soon to become Persephone, moving underground. Even if often out and about in the world prepare for a simultaneous inner experience of solitude, retreat and contemplation.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Something comes to rest and perhaps completion in the coming weeks. You then prepare for new activities that define the rest of the year. Notice all thoughts, impressions, ideas and intuitions. They provide subtle signs and information concerning your next steps.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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