.The Peace Equation

RisaNewSSunday is the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, a global peace-building day when nations, leaders, governments, communities and individuals are invited to end conflict, cease hostilities, creat 24 hours of non-violence and promote goodwill. Monday is Autumn equinox as the Sun enters Libra (right relations with all of life). The Soul Year now begins. We work in the dark part of the year (Persephone underground) preparing for the new light of winter solstice. Tuesday to Wednesday is the Virgo new moon festival.

We know two things about peace. “The absence of war does not signify peace.” And “Peace is an ongoing process.” In its peace-building emphasis, the UNIDP, through education, attempts to create a “culture of peace, understanding and tolerance”. Esoterically we are reminded of the peace equation: “Intentions for goodwill (and acting upon this intention) create right relations with all earth’s kingdoms which create (the ongoing process of) peace on earth.” At noon on Sunday, in all time zones, millions of participating groups will observe a moment of silence for peace on earth. Bells will ring, candles will be lit, and doves released as the New Group of World Servers recite the Great Invocation (humanity’s mantram of direction). To connect with others around the world see www.cultureofpeace.org    
Let us join together with the mother (Virgo). Goodwill to all, let peace prevail on earth. The dove is the symbol for the day.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week Sept. 18 – 24, 2014

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
New endeavors come forth; all that’s been hidden emerges, too, and creates a transformative atmosphere around your work and daily life. Work and more work is given to you—work only you can accomplish. It will entail research, going back into the past, ordering, organizing, and reassessing all agendas and work plans. You will need to schedule moments of exercise in between. View everything as opportunity.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You must begin a serious look at your health. Only if you are in the best of health can you tend and maintain the vast responsibilities you’re about to assume. Like Aries you’ll be given more responsibilities. They accelerate through the autumn and into the winter. What is your workplace environment like? A bit of freedom is about to occur. Freedom for you comes through a cleaning, clearing and ordering of your environment.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Observe your life at home and observe, in the next weeks and months, life changing subtly. Perhaps something or someone enters your environment(s) bringing forth transformation and calling you to further work and responsible tasks. Something definitely occurs and it may upset your sense of previous security. However it prepares you for the future. What music are you listening to?

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
Are you busier than usual and are people depending upon you for strength, tending, caring, food and the usual cardinal qualities you keep so well hidden? So much needs to be accomplished yet we have one-third less time each day. Each morning and evening ends with a question. Replace it with a mantram. Someone from the past may call or be in touch. Or you’re dreaming about them or needing to make contact (which releases love).

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Everything that occurs this month is either about money, resources, finances or relationships. Both can be volatile, both need careful tending, due to a push/pull situation occurring. And then all of a sudden the focus shifts, moving toward your skills and creativity, how to gather more, and learning how to listen without judgment. The times are changing. You must, too. Being more aware of the needs of others. Tending those needs.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Mercury is in Libra, soon to retrograde (next week). So many things you’ve done may need to be re-done. This is good. It gives you another opportunity to make things better and brighter than before. Re-doing is not a waste of time, but instead a time used for fixing, rethinking and remembering things forgotten. You also delve deeply into subtle thoughts and come to revelations. I write this so you can prepare.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You’re still a bit in seclusion, behind veils of protection, a secret retreat allowing you to tend to personal needs, thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes. It is good to write in a journal; writing makes us more aware and observant of our lives. In the autumn months ahead hope is reborn. Thoughts impressed upon your mind this month contain the seeds of understanding and compassion and how to use your talents to better serve. Sleep more.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
Friends, groups you belong to and the communities you allow around you begin to articulate what you truly hope and wish for in the future. Exploring these ideas you realize you’re not hidden anymore. Many people know and care about you and would value you as a friend. I know you must go slowly. Only one or two truly know you. You might venture out a bit more into the world. Slowly at first.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
As you struggle to meet daily life demands you realize home and family life (past and present) are also struggling for your attention. You are pulled in two directions, seeking to maintain balance and quality and all you really want to do is run away to new ventures somewhere. Wherever you end up your thoughts and responsibilities travel with you. Allow both realities to have a voice. Soon compromise emerges. Remember, you’re in training, being prepared.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Someone older, wiser—an elder, teacher/listener—appears, allowing you to speak your mind and heart about long-held, recent concerns and dilemmas. As you realize your need for true recognition you begin to understand how to recognize and value others more. Everything routine begins to reverse itself (Mercury retro) in several weeks. Seek authoritative information about your work situation. Acts of God happen. We’re to help God.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
Preparing for October’s Mercury retrograde. You know and remember the rules of retrogrades, yes? No important commitments, no signing of papers, no large purchases. Travel can be difficult and communication garbled. Contracts simply fall apart afterward and no one remembers previous conversations. Details are overlooked. However, it is a good time to tend to previous promises. Then you’re free to act.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
If you are a leader you may experience several rather unusual resistances to your leadership. It will be subtle and feel not quite tangible. However, if you think and ponder deeply your Pisces will grasp the situation clearly and make an appropriate response. Mercury retro times are Virgo times. For a Pisces this is good, as it integrates your shadow self. Mercury retrogrades Oct. 4. Begin preparations now.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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