.Wesak (Water) Taurus Solar Festival, Buddha Blesses the Earth


A most important celebration occurs Sunday, May 3—the Wesak Taurus Buddha Solar Festival/full moon. At the moment of the full moon the Buddha’s presence enters the Earth plane for eight minutes. He brings the Will-to-Good from the Father, which, when reaching humanity becomes goodwill (Mother Principle). Held yearly in a valley hidden deep within the Himalayas, the Wesak festival is prepared for for months in advance (beginning at Winter Solstice).

On festival day, amidst pilgrims, disciples and Holy Ones gathered in the valley, the Buddha is invoked through movement, symbols and mantrams. At the moment of the full moon, hearing the words, “We are ready, Buddha, come,” the Lord of Illumination (brother of the Christ) appears in the clouds above the altar to emanate forth the will and purpose of God to earth. The blessing of the father is then held in safekeeping for distribution at the June full moon Goodwill Festival.

The day of Wesak (May 3, 8:42 p.m. West Coast) all disciples (east and west) place crystal vessels filled with pure water outside (in gardens, on rooftops, porches and steps) under the heavens. As the Buddha blesses the world, all waters, including waters within our bodies, are blessed. The Buddha is accompanied by the Forces of Enlightenment to illuminate humanity’s minds. Humanity then begins to express new constructive, productive and beneficial ways of the Art of Livingness. Wesak covers five days—two days (before) of dedicated preparation, the actual festival “Day of Safeguarding,” and two days (after) distributing goodwill (the NGWS to humanity). Join us in the Valley by reciting the Great Invocation, mantra of direction for humanity.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of April 27

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
The group is most important for you now. It’s a continuing theme to ponder—your identity in groups, what you offer, expansion of self and others through group dynamics. Your future is formed by the answers to and awareness of these questions, both continuing to unfold. Here is a spiritual hint. Give all you have to the group called humanity (of which you are a part). Offer all abilities for humanity’s well-being … thus assuring yours. A blessing results.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

The Wesak full moon blessing occurs each year in your sign. Throughout life you always seek illumination through all that you do, see, think, feel, research, help, heal and explore. Whether conscious of this or not (now you are), this theme (illumination) is your life’s purpose and task. As the Buddha blesses humanity you must also, through what you know, perceive, discover and realize. By sharing.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

You might consider attending the Wesak festival in your dreams—where many experience the festival—through intention to participate. The Wesak festival is deeply linked with Mercury (messenger) and Venus (unites dualities), your soul ruler. Wesak is special for Gemini. The Mercury/Venus celestial energies uplift you to the next state of awareness and spiritual consciousness. We’ll look for you at the festival in the Himalayas.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20

It’s best to maintain quiet mental contemplation in order that all the information, received at festivals’ time, can organize itself and setting into understanding. You will review the groups you belong to and see them as ways your intuition is further developed. You deeply cherish caring and nurturing others. Don’t hide at the Wesak Festival. Participate. It brings you into a deep embrace of the future world of power, love, wisdom and light.


leoLeo July 21–August 22

Choices made prior to now, concerning who you are in the world, your work, leadership abilities and how you affect others are being reformatted. You can actually reinvent yourself by calling upon hidden gifts and abilities, adapting to behaviors of those you admire, calling forth virtues useful for the coming new times. Relationships for you are always with people unlike yourself. They’re your shadow self.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22

Ceres, Persephone’s mother, is helping you focus on daily needs. This continues for many months. However, you find your mind turning to things far away, dreaming and envisioning a new life entirely. Perhaps it’s a new professional life, a place to study and learn, a new culture or religion. It feels larger than daily life. Observe if you’re interested in something of great importance that will determine your new future.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

You seek a greater knowledge of something deep and hidden so that a more inclusive view of the world can be perceived. You seek to understand other worlds, cultures, countries, places near yet far away. A visit to the Wesak Valley seems in order. Investigate what calls your attention. Next month, your interests will be fully engaged. Life in many ways becomes different than you expect. Give much to receive much. Remember this.


scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

Be deeply observant of conversations and encounters. For the next several weeks they profoundly affect you, taking you deeper into self, shifting your points of view. You also will affect others in these ways. This places  responsibilities upon you—to be kind, observant and careful of what you say and do, to reflect and pause before speaking, and to tend to finances (yours and others’) with special Saturnian care.

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saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

Clarification and explanations are your themes in coming weeks, to self and possibly others. Should you be concerned and anxious, seek counsel. Being alone with your thoughts is not the best now. Response and deep listening from another is most beneficial, helping you have perspective, overcome difficulties, and gain needed detached (dispassionate) views. You will ponder upon relationships. You consider what it means to love more.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

Work, health, creativity, family and right communication are important these days. Each offers a level of transformation in your life. Know your work is wherever you find yourself—the perfect place for you now. In all communications plan carefully what you will (and will not) say. And why. Allow no criticism or separations—it hampers health. Praise vivifies health. Be kind to and praise everything. Begin with the self.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

Attempt to explain all decisions clearly and slowly. You may think you’re understood, but Aquarians usually aren’t. Try a bit of patience. Participate in the Wesak festival at home in the garden. Have fun with the Wesak energies. Listen to what others are saying with compassion and care. Aquarians are faster than the speed of light. During these times Aquarians are the light. Drink deeply into the Wesak waters.


piscesPisces February 19–March 20

t’s good to reflect in depth what has occurred in the past six months, examining daily life, making plans, evaluating your next steps and what needs have arisen from a serious life change. Share deepest thoughts and feelings, allowing no pressure to build. The focus now is inward (Pluto retrograde). Have gratitude for parents and childhood (what was given, what was not)—all chosen by each of us before birth.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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