.Candy Skeletons, Copal and Marigolds

RisaNewSThursday is Halloween. Hopefully “something ‘wicked’ our way comes.” It’s also Samhain – Irish Gaelic festival marking the beginning of winter (“darker half” of the year) and harvest’s end. In ancient times bonfires were lit for warmth and protection. During these days, the veils between worlds thin and spirits roam about. We set a place at the table for departed loved ones, especially children. In Mexico it’s Dia de Muertos—candy skeletons, copal (incense) burning and marigolds decorating altars and gravestones. Friday is All Saints Day, Saturday All Souls Day. Honoring our family, friends, relatives who have been “called back.” They now wait for us.

Friday is also the 4th Uranus square Pluto (9/25 Aries/Cap). Our world continues to be unsettled as the new time-paradigm takes effect. Uranus (the awakener, the new archetypes, rhythm, revolution, revelation) tells us “Nothing can remain the same.” Pluto in Capricorn breaks everything down, transforms it, from roots to outer appearance. These two initiate us into the Aquarian age. Evolution is occurring. Our tasks? Know, observe, adapt quickly, create community.

Daylight saving time ends Sunday morning (2 a.m.). We turn our clocks (fall) back. Around dawn also on Sunday, with Mercury (a message), North Node (we’re called to our present/future) and Saturn (Dweller on the Threshold holding up our past) close by in Scorpio, the Scorpio (11.16 degrees) new Moon total solar eclipse occurs. Something essential, a major phase of life in our world, comes to an end. In the Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, with Venus positioned at the Galactic Center (28 Sag) and as Jupiter in Cancer stations retrograde Wednesday night, humanity reflects deeply upon its past in order to determine its future.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Oct. 31–Nov. 6, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
You dive deep into mysterious waters, into a Soul search with an intense level of thought. You consider the world economy, your debts, what you hold in common with another, the high price you pay for food, what’s possible with your finances. You seek to have courage amidst fear, and you perform many brave acts. The dark side approaches. You banish it into the shadows with your light.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You’re deeply concerned about those you love. You want them safe and secure, within the realm of your protection. Many of them are far away in places you consider unsafe. You really want everyone you care for to be close by. Sometimes you feel alone. You are, actually. You’re concerned about the loss and well-being of resources. You seek unusual sources of people and information to make appropriate decisions.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Focus on your health. Something deep is alerting you to be cautious, to seek a greater connection with your physical body to vivify its life force. Something takes you out of your daily routine, directs you to realities you already know about, yet it was never the right time to consider them. Something changes, something’s demanded, everything integrates. Nothing’s routine anymore.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
Events awakens you to realize life as holy, a consideration you were not fully aware of before. Something makes you know life is a shining and brilliant gift few recognize anymore. In your daily life you find you must summon creative ways to meet physical challenges. Relationships assume an unusual intensity. Something shakes up and tumbles about your very heart. Someone helps you.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Tend to the home, where you live and move and have your being-ness. You remember your childhood, the roots of your emotions, how you built your sense of responsibility. A childhood event shaped your present intellectual and emotional self. Deeper understanding, a depth of compassion for things not understood as a child emerges. You realize your deep needs for nurturance.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Your nervous system is stimulated, producing new forms of creativity, newer spheres of learning, the desire for travel and study. New perceptions appear while communicating with others. Contact siblings, old friends and your extended family. The important theme is family, learning more about them, loving them more. You are both student and teacher, inspired and inspirational.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You ponder upon material realities, what you own and value, what you’ve built and created. Something occurs that seems like a crisis, an ending (or a beginning). It allows you to assess and what you can keep and eliminate, and, more importantly, your self as valuable. You realize through all the hardships in your life, you’ve emerged with ethics, courage and strength. You want to invest in something. It’s not time yet.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
You may experience an identity crisis. The old self passing away having done it’s work preparing you for the identity you will become. This creates disorientation until a deeper state of self-knowledge, identity, and self-acknowledgment fully forms. Your image and personal goals may be changing to fully meet the needs of your new emerging creative conscious self. It’s an initiation. It feels difficult.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
There are two health houses in the zodiac—the 6th Virgo house and the 12th Pisces house. Your 12th house is highlighted. Something concerning health is occurring, including emotional and spiritual health. It’s important to be fully engaged with your physical, emotional and mental bodies. Being in touch with the Soul brings health and healing to your bodies. A breakthrough occurs. You’re humbled by something. Love, perhaps.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Know you’re unique within a unique and special group of people beginning with family. Know it’s good to recognized, respected, applauded and admired for your qualities and gifts. Admire and honor other Caps in your life. This is your gift of recognition to fellow Caps who don’t yet understand astrology. Remember to never abandon anyone. You always want to care for those you love. Some shock occurs, odd people enter your life

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
Authority issues emerge again. You are learning how to be in authority with authenticity. Remember when a leader (Ray 1, Power/Will), to always include love (Ray 2). Power and authority without love can destroy both yourself and others. Power and authority with Love creates wisdom within everyone. Continue to climb the ladder of success. You’re to find your rightful place in the world.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
You have been moving out from the known into areas of the unknown, on the precipice and razor’s edge providing you with new experiences and learnings. A new path is beckoning for you to expand beyond personality boundaries that will forever alter your perspectives. You must place your trust in the messages from your intuition, from what you aspire to be and to have. You must begin to believe in yourself. This is your new frontier.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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