.Gemini Festival of Goodwill, World Invocation Day


This entire week is a preparation by the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) for the June full moon (Tuesday) and to welcome the Forces of Reconstruction, great outer planetary forces streaming into the Earth at the Gemini Solar Festival.

The Gemini Festival at the June full moon is called the Festival of Goodwill and World Invocation Day (recitation of the Great Invocation, the mantram of direction for humanity, hourly around the world). During the (12 degrees) Gemini festival, the Wesak blessing of the will-to-good is released and radiated (Gemini distributes) to humanity. When the will-to-good is received, humanity is then able to radiate goodwill to each other and to the kingdoms.

The Gemini Festival is the third of the Three Spring Festivals (triangle of Force), setting the spiritual template and resources for Earth for the rest of the year (‘til next spring). This festival recognizes the true spirit of humanity—aspiring toward and seeking the will of God, dedicated to right human relation. At the full moon, the Divine nature of humanity is recognized. Christ stands with humanity, leader of his people, “the Eldest in a great family of brothers” (Romans VIII, 29.) Each year at the Gemini festival, Christ preaches the last sermon of Buddha, His brother, a sermon calling forth human and spiritual unity, represented by an outflow of love (work of the Christ) and wisdom (work of the Buddha).

The forces of reconstruction stream in during the Festival, ushering in an era of pronounced creative activity, rebuilding the tangible world on new creative lines. This necessitates the total destruction of the old forms no longer useful for the new world era. Everyone is invited. Join us everyone for this Festival of Goodwill by reciting the Great Invocation.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of May 27

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Your daily life and agendas shift. For many months what has been internal—daily work, service, and health—emerges into the light of day. New tasks and tools become available, new disciplines, structures, order and organization are revealed. You step out of a previous way of being into a new set of parameters that you initiate. Community calls you.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

Expressing yourself becomes most important. You’ve had months to develop ideas, visions, plans and the architecture of the new world. The foundation has been formed in the etheric (template for form and matter). Gemini and Pisces live in this template. Join them. In the next year, opportunities to create the next cycle of life, the art of living, appear. Help is forthcoming.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

This Gemini festival creates new foundations, creativity, a shift of dimensions, and a moving forward in your personal life. Everything that hasn’t been resolved you now have the capabilities to face squarely, resolve and complete. Everything, including daily contacts is reorganizing. Many years’ experiences culminating. A blank canvas appears. You begin to draw.


cancerCancer June 21–July 20

There’s been much inward preparation the past nine months. Soon begins several years of outward movement in a daily level. Change begins in your thoughts and habits. How you listen and hear others is also being restructured. Both expansion and contraction will be experienced, affected by what you think. Greater life and all its beauty are revealed.


leoLeo July 21–August 22

For the last 14 years you’ve focused outwardly, developing interactions with others—a vital developmental stage. You’ve gathered information about people and the external world. Now you’ll turn inward and that which was gathered (experiences and events) will be used to restructure who you will be in the future. Themes for the next few years will be creativity, contemplation, introspection and beauty.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22

You consider what is truly important. You begin to live with more love and a new state of values. But first you must know what your values are. Not simply things in form but also your spiritual, psychological and moral value system. Whatever obstructs discovery of your values is removed from your life. This is an important phase. You’ll work hard to keep things simple. Be economical too.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

If aspects of your life, including your professional life have shifted, it’s because new action, events, people, work and realities are about to appear. You are experiencing a time of things dissolving, of cleansing, clearing and completing. When parts of our lives are no longer useful for our growth and evolution, they dissolve away. There’s a separation that needs dissolving, too. Be of kindness and courage.


scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

Integration is occurring, including self-expression with the expressions of others. You’re not an individual star shining bright and alone. This leads to loneliness. You must begin to shine as part of a group. You’ll be required to see yourself as a cooperator, equal coworker, assuming new responsibilities, and being challenged—with demands on your time. The reality is this is what you’ve secretly hoped for. We succeed in the new world with a group. This is the secret of Masonry.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

Fourteen years ago you began a process of growth, the outcome being harvested now. Those years were preparatory to this time. The experiences have prepared well. You’ll
soon assume new and different responsibilities responding to your ambition and a call for leadership. Perhaps you’re only half aware of this. Perhaps you don’t care for leadership. Leadership leads to great(er) achievement. Lead with will and with love.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

Your efforts are bearing fruit and a level of your life is balancing. Creativity and ambitions are stabilizing as you work and play with the rules of the game. However, you’ll always be unusual, very unique, a bit of a revolutionary. Spirituality and religion will become more anchored along with new philosophical ideas. You balance well your private and public lives. More tests appear. You will pass them. Plant lemon verbena.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

Notice that possessions, resources, values, the ways you have been doing things—some of these are slowly disappearing.  You’re learning about what others value. You integrate into your life new constructive non-conflictual changes. You want to be in a position of not relying on others. You reflect upon your resources and vulnerabilities—a practical step into your future.


piscesPisces February 19–March 20

You’re realizing what you can and cannot do. You do your very best at every task, with every encounter, and in all relationships. This creates balance and poise when imbalance seems to dominate. In relationships, do not expect from others more than they can give. You’re redefining yourself after years of struggle and preparation. Show gratitude to those who love you. Pay attention to your health. No sugars.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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