.Light in the Mind, Light of the World


On July 15, at the new moon (no light), something called Jade Helm 15 (July 15 – Sept. 15) will be initiated in the United States. Strategic military maneuvers in western and southern states, and a massive surveillance of the United States people. It’s important we know about these things. The keywords on the Jade Helm logo are, “Mastering the Human Domain.” It’s A.I. (artificial intelligence) being tested to monitor humanity and to make decisions based on the information gathered. See the July 10 article on my Facebook page, which can be accessed via my website nightlightnews.org, concerning Jade Helm (the name’s innocuous) and why it’s important to be aware.

This is our last week of Cancer. On Wednesday, July 22, on the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, the Sun enters Leo. Before Leo arrives, let us understand Cancer more. Everyone’s astrology chart contains the sign Cancer. Every sign has three developmental stages humanity sequentially progresses through. Here are Cancer’s developmental stages: 1. At first, we are self-oriented, self-absorbed and self-important (personality building). 2. After many lifetimes we awaken to our environments (Earth, families, friends) and become sensitive to others. 3. Then, one day, under the soul’s light, we “identify” and are united with the whole (which means holy) of life. Filled with the soul’s light we become the “light of the world.” With this light, we “build a lighted house for humanity and invite humanity home.” We dwell there, too.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of July 15

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Notice your many and various goals this past year. You’ve climbed the ladder to a pinnacle in order to reach those goals. You have become, over time, very potent (Pluto). Notice your new authority, one that is finer-tuned, more responsible and aware of the importance of serving others. These are great accomplishments though they feel like great challenges. You’ve done well. Continue.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Each day you demonstrate your true self, an illumined teacher during times of change and transformation, crisis, stress, and strain. Actively pursuing a “call,” you barely have time for other realities. Continue speaking with those sharing your concern for humanity’s future. Your resource in helping humanity understand our challenging times is communication. You have created a “garden” of needing-to-be-shared information. We listen, learn and are grateful.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

Show others how you value them. Offer praise and recognition to everyone, all the kingdoms, and for everything in your life. Each of us is blessed with creative gifts and abilities. Your gift is communication and love. What you offer helps others grow, transform, achieve, evolve and grow more. Your gifts move humanity forward spiritually. It’s a contract you made long ago. With the Soul, (Ray 2).


cancerCancer June 21–July 20

You may feel work takes time away from family. Your task and lesson, difficult as it may seem, is to balance the two—work and family. The more difficult this task, the greater the test and initiation (greater awareness, greater responsibilities). Do you have visions for a different future? Or have you given them up? A new identity is appearing with new dreams and visions. Watch for them.


leoLeo July 21–August 22

Your life has assumed greater and expansive dimensions. You’re being asked to love more. So many dreams, inspirations and thoughts moving through your mind yet hidden behind a veil. This brings forth great emotions. Attempting to express yourself, you find communication difficult, tangled with sadness. You remember many things from the past. All your travels, loves, journeys. You gather them in a jewel box of memories. You become Vesta.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
A deep-hidden creativity is building within. For many years to come, creative ideas will appear. You’re being impressed from spiritual realms to bring forth your artistic creative nature through prayer, meditation, spiritual study, group work and sharing resources with others. You are to garden and collect seeds. Doing so helps express love to all kingdoms. Suspend crystals in each window.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

Judgment, criticisms and anger from past experiences determine life in our present and future. Consider changing your thoughts. If you desire freedom, the first is freedom from the past. Before entering the Earth we make contracts with family members. Each family member will act in such a way that our evolutionary growth moves forward. What seemed so difficult was really a door toward liberation. Have the intention to always radiate forgiveness and goodwill. Choose to love more.


scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

Expanded communication and creativity, full and rich, are being informed by the journeys taken. Share, write about and communicate your thoughts and experiences. Simultaneously, set aside moments of silence each day for yourself. Allow those you trust to understand your strengths and weaknesses. You are and are not an island. Don’t confuse the two. They are one. However, island life is good for you.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

A new world stage prepares itself for you. Sagittarians are publishers, world travelers, philosophers living in no one’s sha
dow. In fact, these adventurous warriors create shadows that others stand in. You continue to be at the very edge of change. However, that change is not quite prepared enough for you. Maintain your present direction and state of being. Doors open gradually by themselves. Surprises ahead.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

Inner impressions are informing you to take time alone and rest. Focus upon closeness and communication with those you love. More love is then returned. You might unwind from your extraordinary states of responsibility. We award your constant standards of beauty applied to all areas of life. Know that communication may be difficult (Neptune/Chiron). Try anyway. Speak from the heart. Other hearts listen.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

Realities appearing in life begin with hopes, wishes, dreams, and imagination. Form and matter are shaped by what we imagine until one day our dreams are materialized. Attempt to clarify what is important to you, what you want to pursue, and who you want to be in the years to come. Sometimes this is difficult. Some of us live only in the moment. But within each moment there is a vision for our future. Capture and ponder upon it.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20

You may have plans for the immediate future. They may change. There is a collaboration occurring with you and another. Pursuing this will bring about a synthesis that will take you far into the future into a world very different than expected. Understanding the present planetary changes, you “seek to serve and not exact due service … seek to heal never hurt.” But at times you are hurting, which deepens compassion for your particular task and Pisces duties in life.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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