.Sun in Leo, Rosy Star, Venus and Uranus Retrograde


Three major celestial events occur this week. Wednesday, the Sun enters Leo, highlighting the heart center of everyone. Leo is a sign of deep sensitivity (along with Cancer). Wednesday is also the feast day of St. Mary Magdalene, one of the most misunderstood women in the Bible.

Saturday, July 25, Venus turns stationary retrograde at 0 Virgo (progressed Regulus, the Law, Hall of Records). Venus retrogrades for 44 days and nights, forming one petal of a five-pointed rosy star (pentagram) in the sky (five retrogrades over eight years = star). Venus retrograde turns values upside down. Our usual sense of beauty, values, the real price of things, relationships—all turn into a bundle of confusion. We don’t seem to know anything. Luxury goods are mispriced, values are jumbled, we wonder who that person is we’re in relationship with. We don’t know where our money is or where it’s gone.

Venus, in daily life, represents values (resources, money, possessions and quality of relationships). Venus retrograde asks, “What do I value?” Venus retrograde puts us in touch with what has changed and what is truly of value in our lives. Venus retrogrades from 0 Virgo to 14 degrees Leo (July 25-Sept. 6). Leo is about the self and our creativity, which is how we come to know and value ourselves. We “know ourselves through what we create.” In Venus (values) retrograde (inner focus) we will ask, “What are values (not just money and finances)? What are my values? What do I create? How do I value my creations? Do I value myself?”

Sunday, Uranus—planet of all things new, revelatory and revolutionary—also retrogrades (from 20 to 16 degrees Aries) until the full moon of Christmas Day. Five months of Uranus retrograde. In July and continuing on through the following months we have many planets retrograding. Things therefore slow down. Everyone’s focus becomes subjective, hidden by veils and curtains. A time when inner reserves of strength are available. A time of protection.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of July 22

ariesAries-March 21–April 20

You’re learning about the use of vital life force, feelings of altruism (what is this?), the ability to initiate and undertake anything (the risky and questionable). You’re learning about your sense of self-worth and being valued, the fact that you’re able to shape an idea and anchor it into matter. All of this has to do with your solar angel (soul). Invite others to learn these things, too.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

You teach us the use of positive thoughts and positive actions that keep us away from non-positive thinking, which obstructs us from moving forward. The fact that you are very principled, ethical and ask others to also have morals and principles needs to be recognized. We are grateful. You have a purity of action and illuminate our paths with and toward goodness.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

A guardian angel hovers over and around your life. Can you see or sense it? Angels take our feelings of separation, our forlornness and turn them into hope, faith, and the realization that “love underlies everything.” Your angel also guides you to solitude, which you need at times, providing a meditative state for visualization to vitalize your life force. You then “see” the plan.


cancerCancer June 21–July 20

It’s important to be out and about, away from family, even though family is your entire life. But other groups are valuable to your well-being, too. You are influential, important, nurturing and helpful to many. But you hide away. Your shyness doesn’t allow new realities to be integrated. You are tolerant and forgiving. Humanity’s progress is your progress.


leoLeo July 21–August 22

Your kindness comes forth when you realize that all leaders need to project kindness or they can destroy those who look to them for leadership. You understand this. You excel at everything. Allow this excellence to become mature, to expand, to be ethical. Value others’ achievements. Let them surpass you. That is the leader’s (teacher’s) purpose.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Go slowly and you will know where you are going. This is applied to travel as well as study. You always seek knowledge (Jupiter, the father) that leads to wisdom (Pallas Athena, his daughter). You enjoy sharing knowledge. Be aware if people are listening or not. Sometimes they are not ready for your depths of information. They will be someday. Remain inspired in order to move forward.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

While tending to your ceaseless professional work, you’re able to strategize, research and investigate new realities, understanding the root cause and purpose of all situations. Your instincts unravel mysteries and solve things deep and complex. In between, you display great charm and grace and continue to stabilize your ever-shifting relationship(s). Know that you are of great value.


scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

You must attempt to cultivate close relationships. Just one or two will do. When you allow this to come forth happiness follows. You do best in relationships. They are important so your sense of fair play can emerge, your values reflected, your goals reached. We all need help. Though you never ask for help, you need it at times, too. Negotiation and strategy are your gifts.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

Your very ethical high standards are apparent. Faith in others and respect for their abilities are
how you expect everyone to treat you. Sometimes others do not reflect your ethics or morals. This presents a choice. Always choose the higher path, knowing the consequences of not doing so. Many watch you carefully to learn skill in leadership. Careful with rich foods and overindulgence at this time.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

Many want to be around your generosity, playfulness and warmth. Children, especially, trust you. Adults and young ones recognize your creativity, abilities to entertain, to rest when needed, to teach, your sense of aesthetics, patience, love with no complications and helping others learn. Did I miss anything? Think greenhouses, crocuses (for saffron), berries and fruit trees.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

You’re guided to have safety and security with work and to develop deep roots in your home. You value loved ones, yet you keep a certain distance so that freedom in all endeavors, with friends and with your work, can be accomplished. Careful of things occurring behind the scenes. Careful of criticisms (yours or others). Maintain ethics and truth at all times. Careful driving. Think on what you truly want to do in your life.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20

You will move into a stage of order, organizing and planning, new agendas, creating lists, sorting and tending and giving things away. You seek change in all areas of your life, in your ideas, thoughts, teachings, foods, diet, health and where you live. A larger picture of life is forming. You want to offer all that you have. You seek to expand networks, improve communications. The future listens, reaches out to meet you.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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