.Lunar Eclipse—Something Disappears

Friday afternoon/early evening we have the Aquarius solar festival and full moon with the first lunar eclipse of 2017. The sun and moon are at 22.28 degrees Aquarius/Leo (eclipse). Eclipses are potent, bringing needed crisis; events that change us. Eclipses progress us forward, informing us that something exterior (lunar eclipse) or something within our interior (solar eclipse) self is disappearing. Eclipses have a six-month effect—three months before, and three after.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the Earth and is in Earth’s shadow. The moon is “eclipsed” (hidden). The past, represented by the moon, begins to “fall away.”

Friday’s full moon lunar eclipse alerts us to disappearing and changing circumstances. The changes are different for each of us. We must consult our astrology chart to see what area of life is activated by the eclipse.

At full moon times the moon’s light is veiled. The moon is our past. We focus upon the sun’s light. The Sun represents our present/future. The sun is in Aquarius during this full moon time. Aquarius is a most important sign. Aquarius is the Age we are entering. Along with its ruling planets of Saturn (new structures), Jupiter (love/wisdom) and Moon veiling Uranus (birthing new archetypes), Aquarius is creating the present change and crisis. These changes form the basis of the new world.

Aquarius is like an eclipse. Aquarius changes everything. What is Aquarius? What is its task? Aquarius is the Light that shines upon the Earth across the seas. The light that shines within the dark (ignorance, illusions, maya, glamours, cruelties, unkindness, etc.). Aquarius cleanses with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark is gone. The keynote of Aquarius, reflecting the words of the Soul, are, “Waters of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty humanity.” Aquarius is, via Uranus, electrical waves. Everything on our planet and in the cosmos is electrical. Everything releases bio-photons, radiation, light. Aquarius is frequency. Light is frequency. Everything is light.

ARIES: Creativity, love affairs, romance, fun, play and things that call for risk-taking—games and sports and all expressions of the self. Will and willingness to love. Any and all of these will be affected, shifted, changed. Emotional comfort comes from creative efforts. Thoughts on children, a new baby, a family. A definite and clean break from the past occurs.

TAURUS: You think about home—either about moving, a long vacation, creating a home elsewhere for a time, redecorating, reconstruction or remodeling. Wondering what a true home means. Seeking deeper foundations and a greater balance between home and work. One’s biology, genealogy, early family life and childhood memories. Mother and nurturing of self and others. Building a spiritual home.

GEMINI: In search of new knowledge, developing mental telepathy, unfolding intelligence through new study, assessing how one relates to others. Is it truthful? Is it real? Building the Rainbow Bridge, walking the Path. Bringing others with us. Contact siblings or those we feel are brothers and sisters. A new level of education is at odds with beliefs.

CANCER: As you give and give, you realize you would like to be given to. You are secure within your own self, your crab shell often protecting you. However, new values have arisen, a new code of ethics. You contemplate right and wrong, good and bad. You consider spiritual resources and values, too. How your life is shaped by these? You remember someone.

LEO: You might feel your emotions more keenly, more deeply. Your feelings may be out and about for others to see. Your physical body and sense of self-identity are changing. How people see you in the world is shifting, too. Your Soul quietly begins to speak with you about the purpose and plan for your life. Be still each day and ask the Soul for direction. Then listen in a garden of peacocks.

VIRGO: There will be events and then a deep turn inward in order to understand the empathy and compassion. Others may come to you, attracted to your silence, asking for help. Be careful to remain in a state of retreat. Allow nothing to hinder the small voice attempting to communicate with you. Tend to your health with the utmost care. Stand in the morning and evening sunlight.

LIBRA: All of the ties that bind you to others will be activated. You will seek to know which ones are real, which are not. You will want a harmonious integration with everyone. You will consider integrating even those you have rejected in order to bring about a Libran poise and balance. This will challenge you, but it is good.  Things are beautiful and bright. Like the shiny milagros, you love so much.

SCORPIO: Though you may not sense it, a new phase of life is being initiated. It will bring forth a healing and a fixing of what you thought was wrong or broken or not yet completed. You will seek a deeper cooperation with others, giving up something of self, so a greater intimacy can develop. You don’t understand all of this. It’s the great mystery of the stars over-lighting you.

SAGITTARIUS: Saturn is your teacher these days. Helping you bring forth new concepts and philosophies, research into and understanding of religious ideas, all to be used creatively in your work. You are to expand limited small minds into large spacious minds. So they can know the truth of the kingdom (Earth) and all of its geometric beauty. You are to use your ambition to serve and educate others.

CAPRICORN: It seems the words for Capricorn are always hard work, responsibility, ambition, achievement, and ladders to success. Let’s talk about foundations here. That ladder needs a firm foundation. Love is that foundation. Remember to have love in all that you do. Sometimes Caps are seen as hard and cold. We know you’re not. You’re just sensible, with sensible shoes. Do you need new ones?

AQUARIUS: You become more aware of yourself, your age, your limitations. Impatient at first, you learn to adapt. They are lessons along the path. This is a positive time of learning, even if you feel somewhat restrained. Later you will see a new opportunity, possibility and perspective dawning. You will feel a new sense of strength, inspiration and confidence. In the meantime, be kind, always.

PISCES: Old identities, events, people, previous beliefs and ways of being come up for review, completion and understanding. They are shielded in swift-moving clouds so you don’t feel blame or guilt at any previous behaviors. If these occur take ignatia amara, the homeopath that helps heal grief. Or Rock Rose, a Bach Flower Remedy. New values begin to emerge as the old drifts away. You are a vital part of “all things new” that will come to pass.  


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