.Risa’s Stars May 18 — May 24

Gemini Festival of Humanity, World Invocation Day, Full Moon.
The Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill, of Humanity, and World Invocation Day occurs at 2:14 p.m. on Saturday, May 21, at 1.14 degrees Gemini. This is the third Spring Festival and the first of two blue moons of Gemini. Very auspicious, blue moons (which means two full moons) in the time of Gemini.
As the light of Gemini enters the Earth, the forces of reconstruction also stream in. They sweep throughout the Earth, producing in humanity (seeking God’s Will) a dedication and an aspiration to express Goodwill. Goodwill produces Right Human Relations, which produce the first anchoring of Peace on Earth. During the festival of the Christ, the Hierarchy (inner spiritual government) and New Group of World Servers distribute to humanity the Will-to-Good (the Wesak blessing) from the Father.
The Buddha’s blessing, safe-guarded by the Christ since the last full moon, is released to humanity. During the Gemini festival all things polarized come into harmony and unity. The Gemini festival invoking world fellowship, represents the work of both Buddha and Christ (brothers). During the festival, the Christ, representing humanity as its elder brother, reads the last sermon of the Buddha. The three spring festivals and the two great teachers, together, through united invocation and rhythm, stabilize East and West, humanity and the kingdoms for the coming year.
Since 1952, humanity worldwide has celebrated World Invocation Day, a global day of prayer and meditation where people of different spiritual paths invoke together the energies of Light, Love and Spiritual Purpose, using the Great Invocation.
The NGWS invites everyone to join the Gemini Festival World Invocation day (on inner levels) by reciting the Great Invocation together. (Read more on my Facebook page, Risa D’Angeles). Sunday, Mercury turns stationary direct.

ARIES: Notice your many and varied goals this year, climbing the ladder to reach those goals. Notice also that a new authority, one finer-tuned, responsible, and aware of the importance to serve others, has appeared as new values in your life. These are the beginnings of great accomplishments, as well as great challenges. They are the qualities of the Soul. You have done well. Keep climbing.
TAURUS: Your true self is a leader and teacher everyone seeks in these times of unpredictable change and relationship instabilities. Is a heath crisis making work difficult? Does it seem that time has lessened? Do you barely have time for other pursuits? Continue research and contact with others also concerned for humanity’s future. Expand your garden. Build a green house. Find land for community, humanity and its children.
GEMINI: Offer the praise and recognition everyone in your life needs by articulating your gratitude to them ceaselessly. You’re blessed with creative gifts manifested as outer abilities. A new identity is taking shape. It’s a deeper Soul identity. One gift of the Soul is recognizing the spiritual purpose behind all relationships. Can you see these? Or are you caught in a duality of purpose? A Gemini test. Stand always with intentions for Goodwill. This is your festival.
CANCER: You may feel your work at times takes you away from family. And then, in turn, family feels like it takes you away from your (spiritual) work. Your task is to balance the two. The more difficult, the greater the Initiation. Do you have visions and dreams for a different future? Envision and (day) dream more. In between health crisis and responsibilities, glimmers of dreams occur. Record them.
LEO: The work demanded in your life may feel overwhelming. So much to do, so many people to mentor, so many thoughts, so many emotions trying to express themselves all at the same time. Difficult communication creates a touch of sadness. Someone(s) needs communication. Relationships could feel hidden, like art objects yet to be found. Someone thinks of you daily.
VIRGO: A profound creativity is building within you. Some Virgos become pregnant with new physical life. Some will gestate a new level of artistry and creativity. You’re being impressed from all levels, high and low, to bring beauty forth. Each day recognize the life force within all kingdoms by expressing clear unconditional love to everyone and everything. Study essential oils and flower remedies.
LIBRA: As thoughts from the past appear and reappear, your response to them determines how you feel each day. If saddened or in grief, take Ignatia Amara (homeopath). Some thoughts may urge forgiveness, contact and care of another. Distorted remembrances and beliefs hinder your deep creative self. Develop intentions for Goodwill. It creates Right Remembering and Right Relations. More love follows.
SCORPIO: Communication expands internally, becoming full and rich with memories. Though it’s internal, you realize the need to communicate thoughts to others who can listen with care, ask the right questions, and maintain confidentiality when needed. Seek these people. Let others see your strengths as well as the need for security. Don’t keep secrets. Share a bit more. It’s safe.
SAGITTARIUS: Yes, more change is coming, having its own sense of timing—and this can lead you to feel impatience. A new world stage is being prepared. Your sign creates publishers, world travelers, foodies, writers, philosophers. Nothing overshadows your sense of adventure. Maintain the present direction. Let the doors (of perception) open by themselves. A. Huxley’s words/book.
CAPRICORN: Spiritual forces, ever-directing, inform you to rest from climbing that ever-present ladder reaching into the heavens of success. It’s good to unwind from your extraordinary capable sense of responsibility. We award your high standards applied to all endeavors of life. Now you must relax and rejuvenate before your next tasks appear. Begin each day with the words, “I have the intention for Goodwill in all aspects of my life.”
AQUARIUS: All realities in life begin by having needs, then hoping, then imagining things appearing. Inner life is shaped by these until one day dreams appear in form and matter. Attempt to clarify what’s important, of value, and what you must pursue next. Sometimes this is difficult. Some of us live only in the moment. But within each moment is a vision of the future. Try to capture it.
PISCES: You had future plans. However, they are changing daily. Create collaboration with another. It will take you far into the future, creating the template for a new future. You understand the changes occurring on our planet. You “seek to serve and not exact due service, to heal not hurt others.” At times you are hurting. This is so compassion deepens—your particular task. The future isn’t formed yet. It must be imagined by all of us. Demonstrate this daily.
Follow or Contact Risa D’Angeles on her Facebook page or at nightlightnews.org.


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