.Springtime Walkabout

DINING maydayflowerMay Day Flower Festival, free tours of the UCSC Farm, and a nondairy chocolate indulgence

A garden party at a Bonny Doon estate will feature the exotic cuisine of the legendary Jozseph Schultz, who will be using lots of colorful, edible flowers in the dishes. The May Day Flower Festival will also feature mind-blowing flower lore from Dr. Paul Lee, jazz and bossa nova music, and a tour of the Miller Estate, complete with flower-drying demos, and distillations of tinctures and essential oils. The event is 1-5 p.m. on Sunday, May 3, and will be the single most important grassroots excursion into the important joys of aromatic foods, wines, and flowers—to benefit Santa Cruz’s College of Botanical Healing Arts. Come, learn, be enchanted with the best sort of sensory heightening possible and knowledgeable tour guides. Tickets are $125, cobha.org, or call 462-1807.

Land Rush

One of the irrefutable pleasures of living in our slice of paradise is the presence of the atmospheric organic farm draped, as if by art direction, along the western ridges and canyons of the UCSC campus. A visual inspiration as well as an innovative, hands-on teaching center for students and visitors, the UCSC Farm is nothing less than 33 acres of intriguing botanical experimentation, heirloom orchards and incredible aromas—all of this offering one of the finest possible views of the Monterey Bay shimmering in the distance. So, having said that, let me ask you: when was the last time you went up for a visit to this appealing collection of greenhouses, gardens, orchards, and fields? Aha! I thought so. Well, you have no more excuses. On Sunday, May 3, come on up to the Louise Cain Gatehouse at the UCSC Farm and join the free public tour of the world-renowned acres. Learn the history of the site, find out the details of organic farming and water conservation practices—practical and fascinating information that will help you appreciate even more the global reputation the farm enjoys. The farm is located a short stroll up the gravel road above the Blacksmith Shop on the UCSC campus. And while you’re planning your visit, keep in mind that 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, May 2, and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sunday, May 3, you can purchase organically raised veggies, flowers and perennials at the Farm & Garden’s 35th Annual Spring Plant Sale at the base of campus. Follow signs. Such a brilliant way to welcome spring. For directions, see casfs.ucsc.edu/about/directions.html.

Recovery Cuisine

OK, so I’m kicking back, so to speak, from foot surgery, and unable to leave the house, drive the car, or comb the aisles of Shopper’s Corner and New Leaf for all of my favorite foods. I must send my people out to forage for me. But what did I feel like eating with so much lidocaine and valium in my system? Hmm. How about something creamy, chocolaty and cold?  Exactly. Believe it or not, there is something nondairy (my brilliant endocrinologist advises against cow dairy products) that tastes fabulous, without a mega calorie count. It’s made by the Almond Dream folks and it’s called Dream Chocolate Indulgence Gelato. The great thing about this very tightly textured frozen dessert is that it doesn’t have that cloying, sweet finish that mars the ice cream experience—except for Katherine Stern’s (of La Posta Restaurant) stupendous olive oil gelato, but that’s another story. No, it isn’t as hedonistically rich as cream-based frozen desserts, but it is incredibly tasty and satisfies that “I need something pampering, dammit!” desire. My other craving was for something crunchy. For that, there are the new darlings of the pretzel world, the flat pretzel. God, I love these things. Sort of like a figure eight of dough that has been rolled over by an SUV and then salted.

I ate many of them. Slowly.

PHOTO: Jozseph Schultz will use edible flowers in his menu at the May Day Flower Festival on Sunday.


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