“The changing weather that inspires people to change and explore new things. I get “Fall Fever” when the dry leaves rustle on a chilly morning but then it’s warm in the afternoon. I also love the Halloween Parade Downtown, when the kids come out early, so excited in their costumes.”

“I really love the smell of smoke in the cold air and cooking over a safe fire pit outdoors. And of course, the changing colors of the leaves.”

“The way the beach feels, being at the ocean in October is my favorite. I love overcast skies, and the orange leaves in October.”

“Definitely Halloween, and everything about the general feel of October, it’s my favorite month.”

“How Halloween reminds me of when I was a child. Going round and about and seeing how people decorate their homes, seeing the kids out. My wife loves scary movies, but I can’t watch ‘em.”

“What I like is that October is when we finally get our Summer.” —Jay
“I like October because I like shorter days. I like dark coming sooner.” —Andy