Question of the Week: “What should be done about the Otter 841 affair?”
841 the otter is a playful otter’s daughter. One day when she was feeling bored, she stole a local surfer’s board. Her playground is the surf, but does that mean she owns the turf? Is this the otter’s water? We turn to you for what to do.

Don’t try to capture her.”
—Natalie McCowan 21, Student

—Amélie Thams, 12, Student

The red tide is toxic algae that is affecting the sea animals’ food, and they are acting up because of it.
Let her do her thing, because more are coming ”
—Daniella Blomquist, 19, Musician, with Lily

We should make her a mascot, and she can have her own logo like on an Otter Pop!”
—RJ Castro, 50, Chef

Many animals play cross-species so we could play back.
If she is captured, give her a place to play.”
—Mark Fullerton, 64, Student

—Ann Marie McCauley, 51, Designer