In the spirit of The Great Morgani, how would you costume a street musician for Valentine’s Day?

As the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland.
Nicholas Vo, 22, UCSC Computer Engineering Major

As a big pink cupcake.
Kaiden Hoeut, 17, Student

Cupid in a diaper with a bow and arrow.
Owen Hall, 17, Student

Wearing a heart, but his arms are out, and his head is out, with ruffles around the neck, and on top of his head he’s wearing a strawberry shortcake.
Finn Khiek, 17, Student

A unicorn with hearts on it and lots of glitter.
Abigail Keane, 15, Student

Definitely a bunny and have hearts on the bunny—with ears and everything—and a “Be my Valentine” T-shirt over the bunny costume.
Joyful Heart, 60, musician/busker, Street Talk Regular