March is Women’s History Month.
Who is a history-making woman you admire?
Greta Thunberg because she made such an impact on global warming and how she made an impact on corporations and how they think about what they’ve done.
Max Stonebloom, 12, Student
Michelle Obama, for all the things she did as First Lady, and just the way she carries herself.
Tyson Miller, 46, Engineer
There are so many. Dolores Huerta because of her activism in rights for farm workers. She’s done so much for minorities in general, it’s really inspiring..
Gabriela Candelaria, 43, Nurse
Bertha Benz, wife of Carl Benz, the inventor of the first automobile. She actually drove it herself 60 miles, for the first long-distance journey by automobile. She invented the leather brake shoe, so the brake would grip better.
Joyful Heart, 60, Writer
A new one is definitely Taylor Swift, she’s pretty powerful. She knows how to market herself and put herself out there and made herself very very recognizable.
Lilly Martin Candelaria, 13, Student
Candace Owens, the conservative commentator. She never gives up, doesn’t back down, doesn’t surrender to anyone pushing her towards how she should believe as a black woman.
Zachary Salazar, 44, Independent Artist