The Festival of Monsters comes to MAH at Abbott Square this weekend, and creepy décor is all around. As scary movies abound, we wonder, who are your most memorable monsters?

“The first monster I once thought about is the Pyro. It’s an internet thing, like a creepypasta. My favorite is probably the Wendigo—and I don’t know who the scariest monster is, there’s a lot of scary ones—too many. The scariest thing was riding the Giant Dipper at The Boardwalk.”

“I think my first monster was Frankenstein. Frankenstein is still my favorite, I like his story, and that it was written by Mary Shelley. I think the scariest are vampires in general, because of the way they prey on people.”

“I saw a vampire on the internet when I was six—just the stereotypical archetype with slicked back hair. I kinda wanted him to get me. I was like, ‘oh, this guy’s suave, like, what do you mean it’s a monster?’ Zombies are just scary to me. My favorite monster would be the Thing, from The Thing, the alien, the shapeshifter.”

“My first and still the scariest is the banshee! We listened to a radio program in second grade for Halloween, and it just terrified me. My favorite is Dracula.”

“My first monster was the werewolf—in the Twilight movies. And Creature from the Black Lagoon, that would be my favorite monster.”

“The Hand, that was creeeepy. It was in the 1950’s, black and white. And it was just this hand that you never knew where it was, and it would crawl up like a gecko and get you. It’s still the scariest. My favorite is Sully, the big, blue furry guy from Monsters, Inc”