.Street Talk

Question of the Week

What would you put in your perfect playroom?


A bunch of PCs, so all my friends could play. Make-up. And clothing racks. We would all play Valorant, Minecraft, and Super Mario Kart on the PCs.

Gia Tiang, 18, Student


I would have a music room, with a ton of guitars and drums and all kinds of instruments, amps and everything.

Feargus Mac Fhionnlaoich, 29, Software Engineer

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A trampoline—Olympic-style with the bigger holes in it so they go much higher—in the middle of a two-story playroom, like a big multi-purpose room. I used do trampoline competitions and do forward and backward flip combinations.

Sinead Mac Fhionnlaoich, 30, Data Ops


I would have a crafts room, for doing beading, silverwork, Lino Printing, felting, crochet, knitting, all the things.

Niamh Mac Fhionnlaoich, 34, Chemical Engineer


I’d put all my collectables in it—jewelry, all kinds of glass, old antique stuff. Things from my old man cave—a mint condition 1964 pool table with turquoise on the side and gold felt—electric darts, steel darts—and a 20-speaker sound system.

Mark Gomolicke, 59, Retired


I would let all my tweaker friends move in, and they could do whatever they want. There would be some rules. Don’t burn the house down, always give back what you use, and don’t steal bicycles anymore.

Walter Dobbs, 64, Youtubeologist and food provider


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