.Summer Solstice, Midsummer Night’s Dream

Tuesday night (West Coast) and Wednesday morning, just after midnight (East Coast), summer 2017 began. When the Sun enters the sign of Cancer and settles for three days in its northern-most position—the Tropic of Cancer—it’s summer solstice. Solstice is derived from the Latin word sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still (“sun-standing”), before reversing direction. Summer Solstice is the longest day of light for the year. From winter solstice to summer solstice, we are in the “light half of the year.” When the Sun begins to journey southward, we enter the “dark half of the year.”

Summer solstice, also called Midsummer, lasts five days with celebration from solstice bonfires (to drive away demons and dragons) to St. John the Baptist Nativity Day (Friday, June 24), a Christian and Masonic festival. St. John was a forerunner to Jesus the Christ. He is like the New Group of World Servers, forerunners to the reappearance of the Aquarian Christ, the Coming One. We are in the “Time of the forerunner,” now.

At summer solstice, or Midsummer, the fairy or Devic (angelic) kingdom (green and violet-colored builders of the plant kingdom), having completed their work for the year, now prepare for a golden wedding celebration. Shakespeare had the Devic kingdom in mind when he wrote A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This celebration (wedding) takes place within humanity’s bodies, hearts and minds, too.

As summer unfolds, the great Archangel Uriel assumes protection of the Earth and gathers his students in pastures, fields and meadows for summer mystery teachings. Perhaps we will meet each other there.

ARIES: Opportunities are presented along with challenges. You find the courage to meet each one because of your nature—fiery, willing, enthusiastic. This year and for six more, you will experience vast changes, radical shifts, a state of impermanence that, in the end, will constitute unusual creative endeavors and ways of living based on new archetypes. Keep moving, pausing for rest here and there.

TAURUS: You were or will be told in a dream that all you have wished for will come to be. An angelic presence will inform you. Know, however, that what you wish for includes lots of work, much thinking and studying, detailed planning, and waiting for right timing (astrological). Your research and good judgment have others seeking your advice. At some time you will travel for information gathering, comfort and the search for beauty.

GEMINI: Notice if (and when) much of the past, including people and events, slip away. This is neither good, bad or something to be frightened about. It means you’re traveling upward and onward. A clearing away of obstacles hindering you from your future path. Healing occurs, loosening ancient patterns of thought no longer useful. “Healing,” the Tibetan writes, “allows for the Soul to be free.” You need to be free.

CANCER: Summer belongs to you. Communicate more with friends and neighbors. It’s good to have a balance of both seclusion and social engagement. Be aware of power struggles with others. Don’t create any. Know you can be in charge and still listen deeply to others. Harmony is created when we listen with compassion, give praise and are curious. You learn what’s most important in relating to others.

LEO: As work comes with more responsibilities, you notice how strong and courageous you are, able to assume multiple tasks with skill and agility. Many people seek your help, trusting your constancy, sense of patience. Simultaneously, you’re harboring secret thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams. It’s important to take time away from the world. Step into the shadows. What do you see? Who do you love?

VIRGO: Take time to consider what you would like in the future. Create a picture/photo journal depicting how you want your life to be. Begin a month before your birthday so that when it arrives you have a clear idea of what to communicate to your angels. Don’t be predictable. Be groundbreaking, inventive and original. Use nothing from the past—no beliefs or plans—to create your possible future. The past needs to be transcended completely.

LIBRA: You like to run away to faraway places. You like to travel, have adventures, discover new people to communicate with. You need things harmonious, beautiful and more than good. You sometimes think of the impossible. Your ideas become ideals and then they become real in form and matter. You often need change, a feeling of being submerged in a completely new reality. Take the time to look around a bit at work, at home and in your relationships. Tend to all of them very carefully.

SCORPIO: As daily life changes, and continues to, relationships take on new meaning. You seek a deeper level of harmony in the way you think and act in relationships, including everyday interactions. Daily life is bright with the light of spiritual understanding. Over time, the unusual becomes the usual. The past, showing up in dreams and at times on your doorstep, arrives in order to disappear again. Reminders to extract what’s good and bring it all into the future.

SAGITTARIUS: You need the same things Libra needs, but more so. Something of fantasy may always be on your mind. It will have two faces. Don’t be confused. Be spontaneous, curious, cautious and say yes more. Careful with money. The usual warning, but more so now. Home feels like it’s transforming every moment; your creative expression assumes Aquarian tones; work expands. You accomplish all of this with poise, equanimity and joy. Identify it. A group calls.

CAPRICORN: Here are the energies for Caps as they enter the summer months: A new, expanded self-identity, something precious (about the self) being found, tasks and communication refined, making sense of the Art of Living, work in the world becoming a reality, nurturing intimate relationships, understanding the wound, making a Vesta box, bringing forth balance through Right Relations in the world. And … having an interlude of rest in between.

AQUARIUS: You work and make contact with many different groups of people. This is your spiritual task. To be an acquaintance to everyone, gathering and dispersing information about the present and future endeavors of humanity. The Hierarchy looks down on Earth seeking to find who carries an inner “light.” You carry that light. Therefore, here and there, you are to disperse that light. Rest a while sometimes. Play more. Share. Do laughter yoga.

PISCES: New, different events and experiences are occurring. An unexpected opportunity is being introduced. Follow this path and simply do the work needed each day. Work, rhythmic and every day, heals all hurts and separations. Listen deeply and make contact with all people, kingdoms and events. Place them in your heart. Visualize all separations harmonizing. Love then happens. Know that you live in a monastery.



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