.The Coffis Brothers and the Mountain Men

event LYLB coiffThe Coffis Brothers and the Mountain Men is the latest example of Kickstarter making dreams come true. After completing a successful fundraising campaign during the fall, the local band is preparing to unveil a new record, called Wrong Side of the Road. “We didn’t know what to ask for and were kind of scared,” guitarist/vocalist Kellen Coffis says of their Kickstarter experience.

“We felt like this was our one chance to ask people to support us like that. We had over 150 backers and were almost 150 percent funded, so we were more than happy with the results.” Wrong Side of the Road does not have a release date yet, though Coffis says early 2014 is likely. The band’s 2011 self-titled debut was recorded in a week’s time, and while Coffis says he loves that album, he believes fans will appreciate the extra time the band took to make this follow-up effort. “We feel like we have a better understanding of the recording process now,” says Coffis. “We’ve worked with producer Andy Zenczak a few times, so we were all pretty comfortable. It definitely shows that we spent more time this time around. The songs, the arrangements, the playing—everything is better.” In addition to working on the new album, the band spent much of 2013 touring extensively throughout the Midwest, East Coast and Oregon. But Coffis says they’re glad to be home. “Don Quixote’s has been a special spot for us because that’s kind of our hometown spot,” he says. “The past few years we’ve done these winter shows there right around Christmas and New Year’s, and it’s always fun to go back and play. Not that we’re always on the road or anything, but we’re playing in front of our friends again, whom we haven’t played in front of in a long time, so it will be nice to show everyone what we’ve been busy doing.”

INFO: 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 3. Don Quixote’s, 6275 Hwy 9, Felton. $10.  603-2294.


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