.The Editor’s Desk

Editorial Note

Santa Cruz California editor of good times news media print and web
Brad Kava | Good Times Editor


I never, ever, never, ever, ever thought I’d be the editor of a story about driving while high on weed. After many years of mainstream news reporting, this is something you can only read properly in the alternative press, like Good Times.

The paper I used to work for, the San Jose Mercury News, would present this very stodgily–police said this and police said that–but Richard Stockton, who admits to driving while high, gives us first-person reporting, watching police enforce laws about people like him.

I’m betting this will be one of the most read stories in Good Times ever.

And, the writer, who is also a comedian, is funny as hell. Stockton is writing for the people, for those of us who may have driven on now legal cannabis and wondered how the law would handle us if stopped. And wondered what the difference is between driving high on weed versus driving on alcohol.

How many of you have wondered?

Don’t lie. Because I’ve seen some of the worst driving anywhere around our streets and only after reading this did I realize they were probably high.

As an aside, when I was bicycling recently, I got hit by a driver who was turning into the driveway of a cannabis shop. Coincidence? Probably not.

He was a kid and was not only apologetic as he saw my bleeding limbs, but he handed me 20 bucks.

I gave it back. He needed it more than I did and I have insurance.

Message: don’t drive high, as his story said.

And we’re waiting for the follow up: driving on mushrooms.

Good Idea

The Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency is asking for community input on how to use the county’s opioid settlement funds. As part of its settlement, the county will be receiving $26 million over the next 18 years, and on Wednesday will be holding a town hall where residents can learn how those funds will be used to address our opioid crisis. The town hall will include deputy health officer Dr. David Ghilarducci, county counsel Jason Health, and director of substance use disorder services Casey Swank. To learn more, visit: www.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/Government/Pressreleases.aspx

Good Work

Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks announced last Tuesday that storm damages to the stairs at Manresa Uplands State Beach have been repaired. Visitors can now enjoy access between the bluff-top campground and the beach. The stairs were partially destroyed in March 2016 by El Niño. It took a $1.297, million state fund to rebuild the destroyed lower third of the wooden stairs.

Photo Contest

ETHEREAL LIGHTS Long exposure of Elyse and her partner walking into the blue waves. The Milky Way was sparkling, and the ocean was glowing. Photograph by Elyse Mitchell

Submit to ph****@go*******.sc . Include information (location, etc.) and your name. Photos may be cropped. Preferably, photos should be 4 inches by 4 inches and minimum 250 dpi.

Quote of the Week

“You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”

Robert A. Heinlein
Revolt in 2100/Methuselah’s Children


  1. Please tell me $1.2 million to rebuild a wooden staircase is an exaggeration?

    When is the state or any government entity going to start looking at the WAY over prices they are paying for work that should cost 1/4 of the price?

    Screw you taxpayers!! Ugggg

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