.Things To Do in Santa Cruz: Feb. 17-23

A weekly guide to what’s happening.


AFRICAN AMERICAN THEATER ARTS TROUPE 30TH ANNIVERSARY GALA: HONORING OUR ROOTS, UPLIFTING BLACK VOICES UCSC’s African American Theater Arts Troupe (AATAT) presents an online gala in honor of their 30th anniversary. This celebration features national leaders of Black theater, including Woodie King, Jr., playwrights, alumni, and representatives of the Black Theater Network. Free and open to the public. More info and registration at cadrc.org. Saturday, Feb. 20, 6-8pm.

ART SHOW Emerging from sheltering in place, Ben, a lifelong artist, photographer, actor and writer, was always looking for the next opportunity to translate everyday experiences into artistic expressions. At the start of shelter-in-place in mid-March, Ben began painting as a hobby but his painting has since evolved into one of his favorite artistic forms of expression. Meet and greets will be held Saturdays and Sundays 8:30-10:30am with face masks and proper distancing. Ben’s paintings and fine art prints can also be viewed and purchased in the comfort of your home through artevolutionstudio.com. Wednesday, Feb. 17, 7am-11:30pm-Tuesday, Feb. 23, 7am-11:30pm.

BANFF CENTRE MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL VIRTUAL FESTIVAL New lineup of films announced! This year, bring the adventure home! Fluff up your couch cushions, grab a snack of choice, and make sure you have a good internet connection, because the Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour is virtual! Travel to the most remote corners of the world, dive into daring expeditions, and celebrate some of the most remarkable outdoor achievements, all from the comfort of your living room. Visit riotheatre.com for more information about the online programs and how you can support your local screening. You may also go directly to the Banff affiliate link for the Rio at filmfest.banffcentre.ca/?campaign=WT-163945. $28. 

CURATOR TALK FOR BEARING WITNESS: MANIFESTING BLACK HISTORY FROM PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVES Join us for this presentation by curator Kathryn Mayo, professor of photography at Cosumnes River College in Sacramento. Mayo has been mining photographic archives for years in search of images that might expand the limited scope of whose stories are told in the telling of photographic history, bringing to light historical images that acknowledge the experiences and cultures of underrepresented communities of color.  Visit our website for the Zoom link at cabrillo.edu/cabrillo-gallery/bearing-witness. Sunday, Feb. 21, 5-6pm.

TWDCC’S WINTERDANCE FEST 2021 Throughout the month of February, Tannery World Dance and Cultural Center (TWDCC) will return with their fifth annual Winter Dance Fest (WDF), featuring four premieres from a lineup of world-renowned and emerging choreographers, airing for free, every Saturday via the TWDCC website. Winter Dance Fest 2021 will feature returning artists Gregory Dawson (dawsondancesf), Taliha Abdiel (Abdiel Dance Project), and debut Winter Dance Fest features Norwood Pennewell (Garth Fagan Dance), and Angela Chambers (TWDCC). Winter Dance Fest 2021 honors Black History Month by centering and highlighting a full lineup of Black choreographers. Gregory Dawson’s fifth consecutive appearance at WDF offers an excerpt from his new work, “The Human Project,” exploring themes of change, sacrifice, community, and death. Taliha Abdiel, in her third WDF feature, will premiere “This Is Why I Can’t Go Home,” a self-choreographed solo exploring the complex freedoms of longing, escapism and finding a destination. Norwood Pennewell, renowned principal dancer with Garth Fagan Dance, choreographed a solo for TWDCC’s own Artistic Director and Fagan principal alum, Micha Scott, titled “…And Still She Moves,” to find the balance between opposing elements. And TWDCC’s well-beloved teacher and administrator, Angela Chambers, will make her WDF debut with Ode, a dancerly dedication to her students, who have shared their moments of uncertainty, heaviness, and resilience. Angela has incorporated youth dancers into Ode, uniting her dedication with some of the dancers who inspired it, for the first time TWDCC youth have performed for WDF. These four artists are an inspired cast for WinterDance Fest 2021. To read more about the WDF features, please visit tanneryworlddance.com/winterdance-fest. Artist videos will premiere on each Saturday of February, along with interviews of each artist on the podcast Speak For Change, hosted by Thomas Sage Pederson. Saturday, Feb. 20, 4pm.

CALL FOR COLLABORATION: MLK DAY JUSTICE JOURNAL Share your dreams and submit a page into a community journal in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You can write and draw your responses by hand or digitally. Written responses can be of any language. Submitted pages must fit within 10 inches by 10 inches. Per submission, please include a note with your name, address, email or phone number, and selected prompt available on the event page. At the end of February, all the submissions will be compiled and pieced together. The completed journal will be displayed the week of March 1 as a close to Black History Month and continuation of a Black future. Submissions accepted through Feb. 19. Guidelines can be accessed on the event page: santacruzmah.org/events/justice-journal.

JAMES DURBIN: CLASSIC ROCK UNPLUGGED WITH SPECIAL GUESTS James Durbin of American Idol returns to Michael’s On Main’s “Socially Distanced Dinner Concert Series” with Classic Rock Unplugged. Performing crowd favorites from iconic bands like The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Steve Miller Band, The Beatles, Tom Petty, The Doors, Led Zeppelin and many more. Bring your facemask. Artist sites and sounds at jamesdurbinofficial.com and facebook.com/DurbinRock. View the dinner menu at michaelsonmainmusic.com/dinner_and_a_show_menu.png. Purchase your tickets now by calling 831-479-9777, ext. 2. $45. Saturday, Feb. 20, 6:30pm.  Michael’s on Main, 2591 S Main St., Soquel. 

GRATEFUL DEAD TUNES New weekly link: Grateful Sundays live online can be found every Sunday at facebook.com/gratefulsundays. We need everyone to help us all stay safe. We are asking that everyone hang at their tables. Masks are required at all times unless you are seated at your table. Socially distanced dancing will be allowed at your tables only, not in the spaces between the tables. Artist sites and sounds. facebook.com/gratefulsundays. Purchase your tickets now by calling 831-479-9777, ext. 2. $15. Sunday, Feb. 21, 5:30pm. Michael’s on Main, 2591 S Main St., Soquel. 


ASK ME ANYTHING: CONVERSATIONS FROM THE FRONT LINE OF HOMELESSNESS Join Housing Matters’ Programs Staff in their newest webinar: “Ask Me Anything: Conversations from the Front Line Of Homelessness.” This is your opportunity to hear what is going on every single day to solve homelessness and ask all the questions you have about working to solve homelessness in our community. Visit the event page for registration information at eventbrite.com/e/ask-me-anything-conversations-from-the-front-line-of-homelessness-tickets-132986749949. Tuesday, Feb. 23, 9am.

CMMU VIRTUAL POSTER SESSION AT UCSC UCSC’s Community Studies Program proudly presents its annual poster session created by students just back from their six-month, full-time field studies working with social justice organizations during the Covid-19 pandemic. Come talk with them about their experiences working for, learning about and analyzing the prospects for social change. Visit the website for more information at sites.google.com/ucsc.edu/cmmupostersession/home. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1:30pm.

LOSE WEIGHT; GAIN JOY! The physical, emotional and health benefits of weight loss can put life on a whole new path. Take that first step: Join us for a virtual seminar to meet the Dominican Bariatrics team and have your questions answered. Dr. Paul Nguyen will discuss surgical options and nutritionist Melissa Devera will discuss healthy eating habits. Learn more about the next steps to take toward better health. This event will be hosted via Zoom and admission is free. Register today, and take that first step toward a healthier future. Hosted via Zoom, register today at tinyurl.com/yaoum83n. Questions? Please contact Sandra Brackle at 805-637-3221. Thursday, Feb. 18, 5:30pm.

SALSA SUELTA FREE ZOOM SESSION SALSA SUELTA FREE ZOOM SESSION Keep in shape! Weekly online session in Cuban-style Salsa Suelta for experienced beginners and up. May include Mambo, ChaChaCha, Afro-Cuban Rumba, Orisha, Son Montuno. No partner required, ages 14+. Contact to get the link. salsagente.com. Thursday, Feb. 18, 7pm.

STORIES FOR BEDTIME: BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND CRAFTJoin us on Facebook or YouTube for Bedtime Stories presented by SCPL Librarian Jackie. On alternating weeks, Jackie will read bedtime stories, sing songs, and chant rhymes for families. New programs will be available every other Wednesday at 7pm and on the library’s YouTube Channel. This week, we celebrate Black History Month with books, songs, activities, and a special craft. Pick up your craft kit during your local Library Grab and Go hours at one of our convenient locations and craft along with Jackie! santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/7381276. Wednesday, Feb. 17, 7-7:30pm. 

TENANTS’ RIGHTS HELP Tenant Sanctuary is open to renters living in the city of Santa Cruz with questions about their tenants’ rights. Volunteer counselors staff the telephones on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 10am-2pm. Tenant Sanctuary works to empower tenants by educating them on their rights and providing the tools to pursue those rights. Tenant Sanctuary and their Program Attorney host free legal clinics for tenants in the city of Santa Cruz. Due to Covid-19 concerns, all services are currently by telephone, email or Zoom. For more information visit tenantsanctuary.org or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/tenantsanctuary. 831-200-0740. Thursday, Feb. 18, 10am-2pm, Sunday, Feb. 21, 10am-2pm, Tuesday, Feb. 23, 10am-2pm.


ENTRE NOSOTRAS GRUPO DE APOYO Entre Nosotras support group for Spanish-speaking women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets twice monthly. Registration required, call 831-761-3973.  Friday, Feb. 19, 6pm.

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS All our OA meetings have switched to being online. Please call 831-429-7906 for meeting information. Do you have a problem with food? Drop into a free, friendly Overeaters Anonymous 12-step meeting. All are welcome! Sunday, Feb. 21, 9:05-10:15am.

WOMENCARE ARM-IN-ARM Cancer support group for women with advanced, recurrent, or metastatic cancer. Meets every Monday at 12:30pm via Zoom. All services are free. Registration required. Contact WomenCARE at 831-457-2273 or online at womencaresantacruz.org. Monday, Feb. 22, 12:30pm.

WOMENCARE MINDFULNESS MEDIATION Mindfulness Meditation for women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets the first and third Friday, currently on Zoom. Registration required: WomenCARE 831-457-2273. Friday, Feb. 19, 11am-noon.

WOMENCARE TUESDAY SUPPORT GROUP WomenCARE Tuesday Cancer support group for women newly diagnosed and through their treatment. Meets every Tuesday currently on Zoom.  Registration required. Contact WomenCARE at 831-457-2273 or online at womencaresantacruz.org. Tuesday, Feb. 23, 12:30-2pm.

WOMENCARE: LAUGHTER YOGA Laughter yoga for women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets every Wednesday at 3:30 via Zoom. Registration required by contacting 831-457-2273. Wednesday, Feb. 17, 3:30-4:30pm.


DOWNTOWN SANTA CRUZ MAKERS MARKET Come on out and support local makers and artists at the Downtown Santa Cruz Makers Market every third Sunday of the month on Pacific Ave. at Lincoln St. We are now on the 1100 block of Pacific Ave. between Cathcart and Lincoln Streets near New Leaf and alongside so many amazing downtown restaurants. Support local and shop small with over 30 Santa Cruz County artists and makers! Don’t forget to stop in and visit the downtown merchants and grab a bite to eat from the downtown restaurants. Remember to social distance as you shop and wear your mask. If you’re not feeling well, please stay home. There will be hand sanitizing stations at the market and signs to remind you about all these things! Friendly leashed pups are welcome! Sunday, Feb. 21, 10am-5pm.

SCIENTISTS SAVING THE OCEANS VIRTUAL EXPEDITION Join the Seymour Marine Discovery Center for a unique virtual expedition as we go behind the scenes with UCSC’s Marine Mammal Physiology Project at Long Marine Lab to explore how Dr. Terrie Williams is racing to protect dolphins and whales from oceanic noise. Interact with Long Marine Lab’s expert animal trainers and researchers to learn how they care for and train dolphins and seals to voluntarily participate in conservation science, observe team research in action and learn how new technologies are developed to investigate animals in the wild, and understand how lab science underpins field research aimed at protecting narwhals and other marine mammal populations around the world. Facilitated live through Zoom, this expedition consists of six engaging 90-minute classes. Each class session includes live-streaming time with the staff and resident animals cared for by the Marine Mammal Physiology Project at UCSC. Seymour Center Members $250, Non-members: $320. For more details and to register, visit: seymourcenter.ucsc.edu/learn/ongoing-education/scientists-saving-the-oceans. Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2:30-4pm, Monday, Feb. 22, 2:30-4pm.

VIRTUAL YOUNGER LAGOON RESERVE TOURS Younger Lagoon Reserve is now offering a virtual tour in both English and Spanish. This virtual tour follows the same stops as the Seymour Marine Discovery Center’s docent-led, in-person hiking tour, and is led by a UCSC student! Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve tours are free and open to the public. Part of the University of California Natural Reserve System, Younger Lagoon Reserve contains diverse coastal habitats and is home to birds of prey, migrating sea birds, bobcats, and other wildlife. See what scientists are doing to track local mammals, restore native habitat, and learn about the workings of one of California’s rare coastal lagoons. Access the tours at seymourcenter.ucsc.edu/visit/behind-the-scenes-tours/#youngerlagoon. Sunday, Feb. 21, 10:30am.

FIRESCAPING 2021 Join lead presenter Phil Dundas (owner of The Landscape Company and CLCA Central Coast Chapter’s new Education Director), Marco Mack (Aptos La Selva Fire Marshal and Fire Safe Council of Santa Cruz County board member), Martin Quigley (Executive Director of UCSC Arboretum), Liz Kroft (owner of Sol Property Advisors and President of the Women’s County Board of Realtors), Lynn Sestak (Firewise) and Justin White (CEO of K&D Landscaping and Central Coast Chapter CLCA President.) These industry leaders will share what they know about wildfire mitigation in the wildland urban interface, a topic we are all concerned about. Here’s a chance to learn ways to help reduce risks related to low intensity wildfires. Concepts to be presented include maintenance of vegetation, awareness and management of combustible materials, thoughtful design, layout and incorporation of fire and ember-resistant construction materials and plants, fire breaks, firescape designs, and the importance of neighborhood and community involvement. Contact Phil Dundas if you have further questions: ph**@th*****************.com. Register at events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehinmpvh8eb731e1&oseq=&c=&ch=. Saturday, Feb. 20. 10-11am. 


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