.Things To Do in Santa Cruz: June 16-22

A weekly guide to what’s happening.


BANFF CENTRE MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL VIRTUAL FESTIVAL All the programs! If you’ve been too busy getting after it outdoors or just haven’t made the time yet, now’s your chance to catch all our Virtual World Tour Programs. Join us online for a mixed program of award winners from the 2020, 2019 and 2018 Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festivals. Catch up on missed films or relive some of the best that Banff has to offer. For more information and tickets, visit riotheatre.com or call 831-423-8209. Wednesday, June 16-Tuesday, June 22. 

CATCHING OUR SECOND WIND Espressivo, a small, intense orchestra, will perform on Fathers Day at Santa Cruz Community Church. The all-winds program will reflect on our trials with Mozart’s profound Nocturnal Music, K. 388, will relativize them with the tangy “Night Music” of recent Norwegian composer Johan Kvandal, and will soothe them with the suave “Octet” of Théodore Gouvy, a composer championed by both Berlioz and Brahms. Sunday, June 20, 4pm. Santa Cruz Community Church, 411 Roxas St., Santa Cruz. 

COMMUNITY DRUMMING WITH JIM GREINER IN PERSON Percussionist and educator Jim Greiner will conduct the next in his monthly Third Friday series of community drumming sessions at the Inner Light Center in Soquel in person. Doors open at 5:45pm and the cost is $10. Masks and social distancing requirements will be honored. Jim makes it fun and easy for people from all walks of life to play drums and hand percussion to release stress, to uplift and energize yourself, and to reinforce positive life rhythms through percussion playing. Friday, June 18, 6-7:30pm. Inner Light Center, 5630 Soquel Drive, Soquel.

OCEAN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR Designed to mesmerize and enthrall, the Ocean Film Festival World Tour showcases a virtual celebration of our oceans comprised of sublime footage taken above and below the water’s surface. Evade border closures and quench your thirst for international travel at the 2021 Ocean Film Festival World Tour. This sublime collection of short ocean-themed films will take you free diving in the Coral Sea, sailing north to Alaska, exploring remote Russian Islands and surfing in Spain. Immerse yourself in the wonders of the world’s oceans without getting your feet wet as the Ocean Film Festival World Tour makes a splash. This unique collection of short films from around the globe document the beauty and power of the ocean, and celebrate the divers, surfers, swimmers and oceanographers who live for the sea’s salt spray, who chase the crests of waves, and who marvel at the mysteries of the big blue. A portion of ticket sales benefits Save our Shores. For more information and tickets, visit riotheatre.com or call 831-423-8209. Screenings run through Monday, June 21. 

TOM NODDY’S BUBBLE MAGIC ONLINE EVENT In his 20-plus-year career as America’s Bubble Guy, Tom Noddy has appeared on numerous prime-time television shows as well as nightclubs and universities. Noddy’s work has been presented to 900 mathematicians at the International Congress of Mathematics in Berlin, Germany. He has been the featured performer for science center Bubble Festivals attracting up to seventeen thousand people in a single weekend. He is as comfortable performing for preschoolers as he is when entertaining audiences in theaters throughout the world. Tom has taken his uniquely warm and charming sense of wonder and delight in soap bubbles to audiences around the world. The bubbles are truly exquisite, and Tom’s lively humor and engaging sense of fun leave his audiences both delighted and intrigued. Register for this online event at santacruzpl.libcal.com. Wednesday, June 16, 1-2pm. 


BUILDING WITH PURPOSE PART ONE: PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING 101 Housing Matters is building a five-story permanent supportive housing building on our campus here in Santa Cruz County. This building will include 120 new units of low-income housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness as well as an expanded recuperative care center and medical clinic. Whew! That’s a lot of jargon. Let’s break it down: In part one of this two-part webinar series, Director of Programs Tom Stagg and Assistant Director of Programs Evyn Simpson will walk you through permanent supportive housing as a solution to homelessness and why this approach works. To register for this free online event, visit eventbrite.com/e/building-with-purpose-part-1-permanent-supportive-housing-101-tickets-14593573671. Thursday, June 17, 3-4pm. 

BUILDING WITH PURPOSE PART 2: HOUSING MATTERS’ NEWEST HOUSING PROJECT In part two of Building with Purpose, we will be discussing the specifics of Housing Matters’ newest 120 unit permanent supportive housing project that will be located on our campus, here in Santa Cruz County. This webinar will be led by Housing Matters’ Executive Director Phil Kramer. To register for this free online event, visit eventbrite.com/e/building-with-purpose-part-2-housing-matters-newest-housing-project-tickets-146645501643. Tuesday, June 22, 11am-noon. 

DOWNTOWN SANTA CRUZ MAKERS MARKET Come out and support local makers and artists at the Downtown Santa Cruz Makers Market every third Sunday of the month on Pacific Avenue at Lincoln Street! We are now on the 1100 block of Pacific Ave. between Cathcart and Lincoln Streets near New Leaf and alongside so many amazing downtown restaurants. Support local and shop small with over 30 Santa Cruz County artists and makers! Don’t forget to stop in and visit the downtown merchants and grab a bite to eat from the downtown restaurants. Remember to social distance as you shop and wear your mask. If you’re not feeling well, please stay home. There will be hand sanitizing stations at the market and signs to remind you about all these things! Friendly leashed pups are welcome! Sunday, June 20, 10am-5pm.

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES WEBINAR Communication is more than just talking and listening—it’s also about sending and receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. As people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias progress in their journey and the ability to use words is lost, families need new ways to connect. Join us to explore how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s, learn to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered by someone with dementia, and identify strategies to help you connect and communicate at each stage of the disease. The Effective Communication Strategies program of the Alzheimer’s Association was designed to provide practical information and resources to help dementia caregivers learn to decode verbal and behavioral messages from people with dementia. This meeting is held remotely. To register or for more information call 800-272-3900. Thursday, June 17, 10-11:30am. 

GREY BEARS BROWN BAG LINE If you are able-bodied and love to work fast, this is for you! Grey Bears could use more help with their brown bag production line on Thursday and Friday mornings. As a token of our thanks, we make you breakfast and give you a bag of food if wanted. Be at the warehouse with a mask and gloves at 7am, and we will put you to work until at least 9am! Call ahead if you would like to know more: 831-479-1055, greybears.org. Thursday, June 17, 7am. California Grey Bears, 2710 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz.

SALSA SUELTA FREE ZOOM SESSION Keep in shape! Weekly online session in Cuban-style Salsa Suelta for experienced beginners and up. May include mambo, chachacha, Afro-Cuban rumba, orisha, son montuno. No partner required, ages 14 and older. Contact to get the link; visit salsagente.com. Thursday, June 17, 7pm.

TENANTS’ RIGHTS HELP Tenant Sanctuary is open to renters living in the city of Santa Cruz with questions about their tenants’ rights. Volunteer counselors staff the telephones on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 10am-2pm. Tenant Sanctuary works to empower tenants by educating them on their rights and providing the tools to pursue those rights. Tenant Sanctuary and their program attorney host free legal clinics for tenants in the city of Santa Cruz. Due to Covid-19 concerns, all services are currently by telephone, email or Zoom. For more information visit tenantsanctuary.org or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/tenantsanctuary. 831-200-0740. Thursday, June 17, 10am-2pm. Sunday, June 20, 10am-2pm. Tuesday, June 22, 10am-2pm. Tenant Sanctuary, 703 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz.


CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP VIA ZOOM Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for family caregivers to develop informal mutual support and social relationships as well as discover more effective ways to cope with and care for your loved one. Who may benefit from participating in the support group? Family caregivers who: care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, those who would like to talk to others in similar situations, those who need more information, additional support and caregiving strategies. This meeting is held via Zoom and telephone. To register or for more information call 800-272-3900. Wednesday, June 16, 5:30pm. 

ENTRE NOSOTRAS GRUPO DE APOYO Entre Nosotras support group for Spanish-speaking women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets twice monthly. Registration required: Call Entre Nosotras at 831-761-3973. Friday, June 18, 6pm. 

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS All our OA meetings have switched to being online due to sheltering in place. Please call 831-429-7906 for meeting information. Do you have a problem with food? Drop into a free, friendly Overeaters Anonymous 12-Step meeting. All are welcome!. Thursday, June 17, 1-2pm. 

WOMENCARE ARM-IN-ARM WomenCARE ARM-IN-ARM Cancer support group for women with advanced, recurrent, or metastatic cancer. Meets every Monday at WomenCARE’s office. Currently on Zoom. Registration required: Call WomenCARE at 831-457-2273. All services are free. For more information visit womencaresantacruz.org. Monday, June 21, 12:30pm. 

WOMENCARE MINDFULNESS MEDITATION Mindfulness Meditation for women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets the first and third Friday, currently on Zoom. Registration is required, please call WomenCARE at 831-457-2273. Friday, June 18, 11am-noon. 

WOMENCARE TUESDAY SUPPORT GROUP WomenCARE Tuesday Cancer support group for women newly diagnosed and through their treatment. Meets every Tuesday currently on Zoom. Registration required: Call WomenCARE 831-457-2273. Tuesday, June 22, 12:30-2pm. 

WOMENCARE: LAUGHTER YOGA Laughter yoga for women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets every Wednesday, currently via Zoom. Registration required: Call WomenCARE at 831-457-2273. Wednesday, June 16, 3:30-4:30pm. 


SUNSET BEACH BOWLS Experience the tranquility, peace and calmness as the ocean waves harmonize with the sound of Crystal Bowls raising your vibration and energy levels. Every Tuesday one hour before sunset at Moran Lake Beach. Call 831-333-6736 for more details. Tuesday, June 22, 7:15-8:15pm. Moran Lake Park & Beach, East Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz.

VIRTUAL YOUNGER LAGOON RESERVE TOURS Younger Lagoon Reserve is now offering a virtual tour in both English and Spanish. This virtual tour follows the same stops as the Seymour Marine Discovery Center’s docent-led, in-person hiking tour, and is led by a UCSC student! Virtual Younger Lagoon Reserve tours are free and open to the public. Part of the University of California Natural Reserve System, Younger Lagoon Reserve contains diverse coastal habitats and is home to birds of prey, migrating sea birds, bobcats, and other wildlife. See what scientists are doing to track local mammals, restore native habitat, and learn about the workings of one of California’s rare coastal lagoons. Access the tours at seymourcenter.ucsc.edu/visit/behind-the-scenes-tours/#youngerlagoon. Sunday, June 20, 10:30am. 

YOU PICK ROSES We are growing over 300 roses, deeply fragrant, lush and in every color, and we want to share them with you! Get out of the house and enjoy cutting a bucket of roses for your own pleasure or to share with family and friends. Once you have made a purchase, you will be sent a calendar link to pick a time for your reservation and directions to our farm in Watsonville. Visit birdsongorchards.com/store/you-pick-roses for more information. Friday, June 18, 11am. Sunday, June 20, 11am.


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