.Things To Do (Virtually) in Santa Cruz: July 22-28

Because many in-person events across Santa Cruz County have been canceled or postponed during the pandemic, Good Times is compiling a weekly list of virtual events hosted by local nonprofits, artists, fitness instructors and businesses. To submit your virtual event, send an email to ca******@go*******.sc


CONNECTIONS: A VIRTUAL PRINTMAKING EXHIBIT View the virtual Resource Center for Nonviolence “CONNECTIONS” Printmaking Exhibit online through July 31 at rcnv.org/programs/rcnv-exhibits-the-art-of-nonviolence. In this time of the coronavirus and sheltering at home, we yearn for connection. These prints link us to the healing power of nature, our history and our memories. They provide a window of hope for the current moment. The art helps us to remember the past and to face the future. Features eleven artists: Jody Bare, Molly Brown, Marcus Cota, Esmeralda DeGiovanni, Emma Formato, Jane Gregorius, Anita Heckman, Bridget Henry, Glenn Joy, Stephanie Martin and Melissa West. The exhibit has moved online due to Covid-19, since RCNV is temporarily closed to the public. For more information: an***@rc**.org

SPEED SKETCHING Come with paper and pencil and try your hand at speed sketching: All artistic experience is welcome. Prior to beginning the program, please select an object in your home and place it in view of your computer’s camera, and let’s have fun together and see who can draw the silliest, stylish, true to life, or abstract interpretation of it. Every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm, take a break out of your day for some fun! Register for Zoom at: santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/6780189


SALSA SUELTA IN PLACE: Free weekly online session in Cuban-style Salsa Suelta for experienced beginners and up. Contact to get a Zoom link. Thursdays at 7pm. salsagente.com.


MONTH LONG HISTORY SCAVENGER HUNT The MAH has teamed up with Ecology Action and local bike shops to bring you an around-the-town scavenger hunt in honor of Santa Cruz bike month, and our current exhibition, “Trailblazers.” In this epic around-the-town scavenger hunt, whiz through local history, solve riddles, and plan your route. Participants will have all month to complete the scavenger hunt and visit as many clues as possible. The top five players will receive epic prizes: more to come. For more info visit santacruzmah.org/events/race-through-time.

THE VIRTUAL DICKENS UNIVERSE While the originally planned program focusing on ‘David Copperfield’ and ‘Iola Leroy’ will still take place in 2021, this week of online programming will feature a range of conversations that discuss the occasion of the pair and the insights that bringing them together can offer. Over the week, scholars from Victorian studies and early African American studies will discuss linkages between their respective fields, approaches for addressing race and racism in the classroom, and productive ways to engage with Black studies in the 19th century and its transatlantic contexts. We hope that this will generate excitement to read these two novels over the next year and to join us in Santa Cruz for the full Dickens Universe conference. We hope that this week will provide some useful context for these two novels, as we read them together over the next year. In addition to providing some critical background for France E. W. Harper’s career and ‘Iola Leroy,’ it will also help place her alongside Dickens as one of the most important and prolific writers of the nineteenth century. Like Dickens, Harper was a master of many literary genres (including fiction, prose, and poetry), was deeply involved in nineteenth-century print and periodical cultures. She was a virtuoso public speaker and an activist in the anti-slavery, suffrage, temperance, and post-emancipation racial justice movements. Participation is free, but registration is required. ucsc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VI_xnJrWSw6E-CgXK7bMBA

LUMA BOOK CLUB This is a time of seismic shift, and yet also one of opportunity. Luma Yoga is a community center operating on principles of inclusion, compassion, and, yes, reflection, but make no mistake—also of action. The first step in effective action is gaining knowledge. To this end, Luma is hosting a book club on the topic of racism and social justice issues. The reading groups will be held remotely (for now) over Zoom Thursday nights 7-8:15pm. The purpose of the groups is to learn the endless shapes oppression can take in the world, to recognize our own biases within ourselves, and to move from discomfort to action in support of Black and non-white POC. The groups will be facilitated by Steven Macramalla, a professor of Psychology at SJSU. The Club will work on a 3- to 4-week cycle, reading one book per cycle, with several chapters covered each week. For more info visit lumayoga.com. Thursdays at 7pm. 

2020 SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM Children and youth aged 18 and under can get free lunches this summer at 12 sites throughout Santa Cruz County! The annual Summer Lunch program, sponsored by La Manzana Community Resources, a program of Community Bridges, combats food insecurity and supports good nutritional habits. The Summer Lunch program begins June 8 and serves lunch Monday through Friday from 12-1pm. Free meals will be provided to all children, without eligibility documentation, who are 18 years of age and younger. For more info visit communitybridges.org/lmcr

KIDS CREATE STEAM PROJECT SERIES Series of STEAM programs through the summer for kids of all ages, presented via Facebook and our YouTube channel. Look for new videos on Tuesdays at 3:30pm and Fridays at 10am through July. Check out our Facebook (facebook.com/santacruzpl) and Youtube channel (youtube.com/user/SantaCruzPL). 

LEGO BUILDING CHALLENGE Join our eight-week summer Lego Building Challenge. You will only need common Lego pieces to complete these challenges. To join the fun, register each week via our online calendar, through July 29. On Wednesday, you will receive an email with the weekly challenge. If you would like to share your creation, post a photo on our Facebook SCPL Lego Building Challenge webpage. Bonus building challenges will be posted there for intermediate-level Lego fans. Learn more at santacruzpl.org

SCIENCETELLERS PRESENTS DRAGONS: RETURN OF THE ICE SORCERESS “Science and stories, together!” Join us for a virtual showing of a ScienceTellers program called “Dragons: Return of the Ice Sorceress.” Watch a fun fantasy adventure and along the way you’ll discover just how ‘cool’ matter can be! Throughout the showing, the host will answer questions, conduct polls/quizzes, and even teach a science experiment you can do at home. The event will be hosted live through Zoom. No Zoom account is required to watch, but you do need to register with us. Don’t miss out! Two shows in one day! Register for the noon show: santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/6781102. Register for the 3pm show: santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/6781103. Free all ages library Summer Reading Program: santacruzpl.org/pages/srp

TALES TO TAILS GOES VIRTUAL Tales to Tails goes virtual to create a comfortable, neutral, and fun reading experience. Bring some books, a stuffed animal or your own pet, and come read with us! This is a YouTube livestream event so you might be reading to up to six animals at once. Woo hoo! Caregivers, you can post your child’s first name and city in the comments section, along with the book they are reading, and we’ll read off as many of those names as we can, live, during the break we need to give the dogs. Each week you register we’ll send you your dog bone “punch cards.” These will be dated dog bones your child can color and email to us. The following week, we’ll display them live on the feed. This will also be recorded so if you can’t make it live, the dogs will still be there for you. Every Wednesday, 10-11am.  Learn more at santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/6764929.

PEOPLE AND STORIES: READING DEEPLY IN COMMUNITY People and Stories is dedicated to opening doors to literature for new audiences. Through oral readings and rigorous discussions of enduring short stories, we invite participants to find fresh understandings of themselves, of others, and of the world. Please note that some stories contain themes and language of an adult nature. Santa Cruz Public Libraries offers People and Stories regularly in our county jails. We invite you to our special eight-week session on Zoom! Drop in for one or attend all eight People and Stories sessions! Wednesdays through July 29, 1:30pm. Learn more at santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/6760931.


SUNSET BEACH BOWLS Experience the tranquility, peace and calmness as the ocean waves harmonize with the sound of Crystal Bowls. Every Tuesday at 7:45pm. Moran Lake Park. 

VIRTUAL YOUNG ADULT (18-30) TRANSGENDER SUPPORT GROUP A weekly peer support group for young adults aged 18-25 who identify as transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, agender, or any other non-cisgender identity. This is a social group where we meet and chat among ourselves, sharing our experiences and thoughts in a warm, welcoming setting. Our meetings will be held on Discord during the shelter-in-place order. For more info, contact Ezra Bowen at tr***@di*************.org.

LGBTQNBI+ SUPPORT GROUP FOR CORONAVIRUS STRESS This weekly LGBTQNBI+ support group is being offered to help us all deal with stress during the shelter-in-place situation that we are experiencing from the coronavirus. Feel free to bring your lunch and chat together to get support. This group is offered at no cost and will be facilitated by licensed therapists Shane Hill, Ph.D., and Melissa Bernstein, LMFT #52524. Learn how to join the Zoom support group at diversitycenter.org/community-calendar


NATURALIST NIGHT: SANTA CRUZ HABITATS AND HISTORY Santa Cruz Public Libraries and the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History have partnered to bring you Naturalist Night! Join fellow nature enthusiasts for monthly explorations of the biodiversity of Santa Cruz County. Each month, Marisa Gomez from the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History will share the stories of a specific Santa Cruz habitat as we develop our skills as naturalists. This series will feature a presentation as well as an interactive session. This program occurs monthly on the fourth Tuesday from 6-7 pm. Registration is required for Zoom access link. Your registration confirmation email will have the Zoom link in it. Register online: santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/6857442

UNDER THE STARS AT THE CASTRO ADOBE We’ll take a step back in time to when the Adobe was an active household and share stories and songs of the old days. Like our Facebook page to receive a notification when this pre-recorded program is premiered: facebook.com/castroadobe. Viewers will be able to post questions and comments during the premiere for a state park interpreter to answer. The program will also be available for later viewing. Free event. Saturday, July 25, 7pm. Learn more: thatsmypark.org/event/stars-castro-adobe-virtual

LOOK UP TO THE STARS! Look Up to the Stars Astronomy Programs deliver some of the most awe-inspiring astronomy presentations that often have record-breaking attendance. Astronomy talks are given by an award winning expert with people of all ages kept at the edge of their seat the entire time. Remote virtual visitations from the Star Tour remove the limits on providing a memorable experience for your group at any time. Though live telescope viewing is not available, video recordings of the Moon and Planets through the telescope at the conclusion of each program make it just as exciting, if not better. Our awesome virtual astronomy programs make learning about the universe a satisfying and incredible experience. Thursday, July 23, 7-8pm. Learn more: santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/6781105

SEAFLOOR TO SEASHORE Local California State Parks in Santa Cruz County are offering virtual junior ranger programs for children ages 7-12 during the Covid-19 pandemic. These fun, free Zoom webinars are scheduled on Mondays and Fridays at 10am each week in July. Children receive a digital stamp for each program they attend; after receiving a certain number of stamps, they can earn prizes! How did the shells of undersea creatures end up in the cliff above the beach? Dig deeper with us to discover how. This interactive program will be broadcast as a Zoom webinar. Registration is required. To register, visit tinyurl.com/SantaCruzJuniorRangers. Free event. Monday, July 27, 10am. 

BUILDING WITH BIRDS Local California State Parks in Santa Cruz County are offering virtual junior ranger programs for children ages 7-12 during the Covid-19 pandemic. These fun, free Zoom webinars are scheduled on Mondays and Fridays at 10am each week in July. Children receive a digital stamp for each program they attend; after receiving a certain number of stamps, they can earn prizes! Discover how the birds of Portola build their nests and survive this predator-filled ecosystem. Come prepared to build your own nest! Twigs, leaves, and fluffy stuff work great! This interactive program will be broadcast as a Zoom webinar. Registration is required. To register, visit tinyurl.com/SantaCruzJuniorRangers. Free event. Friday, July 24, 10am. 

OUTDOOR CIRCLE DANCING We have found the way to come together in a Sacred Circle, 6 feet apart, without holding hands, and dance our Circle Dances! Barbara Thomas invites you: Sunday, August 9, 3-5pm led by Maureen Atkins; Sunday, Sept. 13, 3-5pm led by Maureen Atkins. Each Dance is first taught. By donation. Please bring water, a 4pm little snack for yourself, also your own food to eat together afterwards at 5pm, instead of a potluck. (Sanitizing lotion will be available). Important to RSVP so we can keep count of numbers. Outdoors in the Amphitheater, Ben Lomond Redwoods. 11737 Alba Road, Ben Lomond. For further information and to keep count of our list of attendees, please reply to: Barbara Thomas at ba*****@ba***********.info or 831-336-2673, or Juliet Goldstein at sh*********@gm***.com or 831-662-0186. 


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