.Uniting All That Has Been Separated

RisaNewSThe New Group of World Servers has been holding in safeguarding the Wesak blessing (the Will-to-Good for humanity) since the last full moon in April (Wesak). At Friday’s full moon lunar eclipse (an outer reality disappears), the Gemini Festival of Humanity & Goodwill (and World Invocation Day), this blessing will be dispersed to humanity for the purpose of creating Goodwill & Right Relations throughout the world. It’s a vital and important solar festival, working with the Forces of Reconstruction who appear in times of need to help humanity “restore the Ancient Mysteries and the original Plan on Earth,” hidden and obscured by the Forces of Materialism.

The full moon occurs in the evening and into the night. Beforehand, the Gemini’s planetary rulers (intermediaries), Mercury (messenger) and Venus (synthesizing dualities) unite in Gemini (19 degrees). It’s a most auspicious festival, for Gemini (along with Pisces, the saving force and Venus) “bring together all that has been separated”.
During the festival, the Sun and moon (on each side of the Earth), receiving the Light of Gemini (Interplaying Lightbeams revealing all that opposes), bathe the Earth in Gemini light (Ray 2, Love/Wisdom) that harmonizes all that opposes. Then a prayer goes out into the world from the New Group of World Servers.

“Let our sustained, daily, meditative, group, Ashramic, rhythmic efforts, radiated to humanity, be the seed of synthesis, the force that binds together all that has been separated.” Join us everyone in this prayer, and in reciting the Great Invocation, during the Festival. They uplift and transform humanity.
(More at nightlightnews.com.)

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of May 23-29, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
You are cheerful these days, feeling companionship with others. You talk a lot about what’s interesting to you, finding great value exchanging information and ideas. Be sure to listen as well to others. Provide them time to think, to share with and to trust you. You’re attracted to things witty and entertaining. You may be called to harmonize conflicts, bring diplomacy to the table. You’re learning.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
No matter what others say about their life needs, especially relationships, you feel comforted and at home with your own environment and life choices. If others are restless, simply listen and carry on with your chores. You seek financial security, comfort and enjoyment primarily. Not everyone seeks these things. A partner may not. Careful to relate kindly with others. Consciously learn the art of cooperation.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
It’s difficult to say no to yourself about anything desired at this time. You seek things that are pleasant, fun-loving and playful. If you’re not, then you must begin or you will lose this time to seriousness that is not appropriate. Pay attention to your appearance. Make yourself handsome and beautiful each day. Allow your heart to show no matter what the situation. And don’t hide from vulnerabilities. Be real (not clever). Real is more attractive.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
cancer Jun21–Jul20
It’s a time of reclusiveness – like white polar bears during hibernation—hiding away at home tending to life needs, hoping not to be interrupted from your focus and concentration. Sometimes you experience very personal and private longings—feelings you don’t share with others. You miss someone very deeply. You don’t share that either. Sometimes you cry. Sometimes you’re lonely. Then it passes. Angels are around.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
It’s time to form friendships with others who contribute harmony to your life. It’s time to be part of a group (or several) where you meet people to share your life with, people with your same ideas, values and interests, people you can laugh with and form close associations. Your need for these is important and should you enter groups they would embrace you, finding you charming and a stable peacemaker.


virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Your qualities of responsibility, tending to details, ability to organize and order things in disarray are deeply appreciated. Social opportunities open up when you exhibit excellent managerial skills. It’s important to wear good shoes, for climbing the ladder socially and professionally can be hard on the soles of your feet. It can also be hard on your Soul, too, if you’re not focused deeply and primarily on serving others. You have artistic talent.


libraLibra September 23–October 22
Are you feeling rather unsatisfied? Do you feel that after this next project you must make a major change? Things routine become difficult. Your eyes seek far horizons, cultures and people far away. Your spirit’s a bit eccentric and exotic. You’re charming when out in the world traveling and when romance is involved. You’re generous with those you love. Let the exotic in you guide you toward the arts, dance, theatre, travel and things unusual.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
It’s a good time to consider finances. This includes legacies from family, which includes the values taught you as a child—a deep and intimate subject. Know that you are beautiful and wonderful and not alone, and every step in your life has developed your values that reach beyond childhood. All relationships are intensified now. You seek depth with those you love, harmonizing all differences. You also study family origins.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
You’re happiest with one-on-one relationships more than in groups or with acquaintances. It’s important for you to be close to the ones who love you, providing them with praise and recognition, gratitude and acknowledgement of their presence in your life. Should there be any relationships or difficulty this is a valuable time to create a bridge of harmony, from you to them. You’re the peacemaker here.


capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Wherever you are, with everyone, it’s important to establish harmony in the environment and Right Relations with family, relatives and with co-workers. Everything seems to revolve around and between family and around work. You’re best when working in cooperation with others at this time. Whatever group or team you’re in charge of, create aspects of harmony. Teach them (and know yourself) intentions of Goodwill to create Right Relations.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
This is a time of creative expression, the building of aesthetic forms in all of the arts. Whatever your creative self-expression, this is an auspicious time to bring forth your inner gifts. Instead of allowing corporate structures to create realities around us, Aquarians are called to bring forth the many different possible futures so humanity can have a template to work from. Love affairs, children, cheerfulness and lightheartedness all come into play. And appreciation of all relationships.


piscesPisces February 19–March 20
You survey your home considering ways to make it more nurturing, more beautiful, more comforting. You think about your family wanting to care and serve them better. You value the art and aesthetics of architecturally designed homes and seek to employ their ideas. Especially natural pools and landscaping. Creating a peaceful, consistent, stable atmosphere is your task. Notice the small pleasures of each day.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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