Drink more beer and less water, collect rain water from catch barrels, and if you live in the mountains near a spring you should try to set up some sort of system through that.
John Morefield
Ben Lomond | Motorcycle Mechanic
You probably already know this one, but I put a rock inside of my toilet so that when I flush it doesn’t use too much water. We could change the faucets that we use as well, just make them stop at a certain point.
Raven Sherman
Aptos | Bartender
I save all my graywater into a bucket in the sink when I do my dishes, and water my plants outside because we won’t have any landscape watering this summer.
Linda Schutte
Santa Cruz | Retired
We harvest rain water from our gutters. We have a pipe that runs down and we buy 32-gallon trash cans and we fill them up. And we’re getting excited because we think we’re gonna get one more fill this Friday.
Mary Jo Marshall
Santa Cruz | Preschool Teacher
Take fewer showers, water your garden at nighttime as opposed to daytime. Shower with a friend.
Kim Krouskoups
Santa Cruz | Bartender/Waitress