I’m proud that I have the freedom to do what I please—surf when I want to surf, work when I want to work.
Scott Liess
Santa Cruz | Plumber
Intellectual freedom.
Paul Koch
Santa Cruz | Professor
I’m proud to be an American when I realize that this country is based on freedom of speech and many of the other freedoms that we often take for granted. I’m also proud to be a member of the ACLU, and to defend those rights that have recently come under pressure lately—fear of terrorism. I’m proud to spread the word that not all Americans are wanting a government that’s intrusive.
Mark Michel
Santa Cruz | Bike Mechanic
Probably the fact that we feel entitled to have really strong opinions on things we know nothing about. It’s pretty fun.
Anthony Carlson
Santa Cruz | Sales
What makes me proud to be an American is the solidarity among all people that shows in times of adversity.
Robin Visio
Santa Barbara | Choreographer