We as a society deal with it like it’s a personal relative. People are so related to those who are celebrities as if they were our brother and sister. They relate to them because of their past, their livelihood, their whole experience with them.
Krissy Broek
Santa Cruz | Teacher
If you don’t see yourself equal to a person, you’ll put them above you or below you. If you put someone above you, you’ll put them beneath you at some point in your life.
Jonathan Chorn
Santa Cruz | Sculptor
As far as the media—they really indulge themselves in a celebrity’s death because they really don’t have that much to talk about. So they use it as an opportunity to trumpet their own relationship with that celebrity, and mostly spin it positively, but it just goes on too long.
Isaac Saavedra
Santa Cruz, Engineer/Artist
To die tragically is the best way of getting people to say nice things about you.
Paul McGrath
Santa Cruz | Environmental Entrepreneur