What’s super attractive to me is confidence and an independent life. The deal breaker would be using the relationship as a distraction from your own life.
Jesse Cummings
Santa Cruz | Shoe Store Manager

Lucia Maclean
Ben Lomond | Volunteer Coordinator Seymour Marine Disovery Center
I find super attractive someone who is engaged in conversation and calls me on my shit. A deal breaker is someone who I witness being mean to someone else early in our relationship.
Michael Stevens
Bonny Doon | Student Support Representative

Maya Desay
Santa Cruz | Student
I would say confidence and the fact that the person has their act together; that they can actually organize things and do things when they say they’re going to do them. A deal breaker is the inability to feel compassion for the other person.
Bernie Richter
Santa Cruz | Associate Director for the Bruce Initiative for Rethinking Capitalism