The rodeo’s not really my thing but if there was one in Santa Cruz County and somebody I knew wanted to go I’d go. It sounds like something different and interesting. And it’s a skill to stay on a wild animal. So I’d be into it. Why not?
Marcus Negron
Santa Cruz | Engineer
Possibly. I like the idea of a rodeo but
I dont like when animals are mistreated. So I would have to see how the
animals would be treated before I go.
It could be fun.
Larry Harden
Davenport | Artist
I choose not to go to the rodeo, I live in a town that has a rodeo and I believe they come annually and I have never been and I have absolutely no interest because it’s cruelty to animals and it’s something that should have been abolished years ago.
Scott Dufour-Martel,
Eugene, Ore. | Failed Physicist
I wouldnt go to the rodeo because they’re really cruel to animals.
Sally Neas, San Jose | Urban Farmer