I want to be a simpleton because its easier. Genius is too much pressure.
Winslow Burk
Santa Cruz | Joyful Simpleton
I would choose the genius because I love knowledge and I wouldn’t want to live my life without it.
Deb Wirkman
Santa Cruz | Former Chemist
I’d rather be a joyful simpleton, because geniuses lack common sense sometimes. I notice smart people just make really poor decisions sometimes. And I’d rather be who I am and make good decisions.
Carol Bernie
Santa Cruz | I Don’t Work
I’d like to be a mixture of the two. I think I’d like to have a certain simplicity of life where I can appreciate small and beautiful things that sort of fill the complications of life or intersect it. And then, of course, I am tempted by talent and whatever makes us rise above mediocrity.
Beatrice Basso
Davenport | Actor/Producer
I am a joyful simpleton, I live the life. I call myself the regal peasant.
Christopher Green
Santa Cruz | Organizer/Artist/Laborer