No, not under any circumstance should drones, without the knowledge of the public, be circulated in our air space.
Nicholas Gyorkls
Bonny Doon | Musician/Service Industry
No. I think it’s an infringement on our freedom. It’s too close to home.
Taylor Darling
Santa Cruz | Contractor
No, I would not support the use of drones as a form of national security within the United States. It’s kind of Big Brotherish, kind of creepy. We have a lot of good hackers in the United States, I’m sure, that could hack in and use them for their own purposes, and it could be kind of ugly.
Dale Knight
Felton | Educator
Yeah, I would if they would target the new world order and their operatives such as high-ranking officials that we have in the government. I’d like to shake the hand of the first guy to shoot one down.
Stanley Mayes
Soquel | Disabled
They say it’s to keep us safe from our enemies, but simultaneously it gives them the power to police us, and eventually we’ll see that the drones are to protect the State from the people.
Tom Calderon
Santa Cruz | Artist